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In this article we will show you how to Customize Your Dragon in WoW Dragonflight. World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is the ninth update for the online role-playing game World of Warcraft. It came out after Shadowlands. It was first talked about in April 2022 and came out on November 28, 2022.The new way to ride dragons is one of the most fun parts of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.
With this new flying method, getting around the Dragon Isles is a lot more fun. With this method, you can ride four types of dragons that are only found in the Dragon Isles. As players progress through World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight update, they’ll be able to ride dragons on a variety of flying mounts.
Some fans will be happy with how these drakes look out of the box, but others will want to change them, so they look the way they want. In World of Warcraft, (almost) everything is about how good you look. As we always say: look good, play well. Transmogrification is a little old-fashioned, so why don’t we take to the skies and learn how to Customize Your Dragon in WoW Dragonflight.
How to Customize Your Dragon in WoW Dragonflight
You’ll go to Skytop Observatory early on in Dragonflight to do some quests that teach you how to Customize Your Dragon in WoW Dragonflight. You’ll need a Rostrum of Transformation to do this. Drakewatcher Manuscripts let you change how your gear looks, and you can get them through dungeons, Renown, and quests.
We haven’t gone out of our way to find Drakewatcher Manuscripts, but we don’t feel like we are missing out on ways to customize our dragons, so you do find them as you travel through the Dragon Isles. As a nice touch, customization choices are shared across all of your characters, so you don’t have to get the same ones for each one. Four Rostrums of Transformation make up the whole set. They look like a golden dragon head on your minimap.
Rostrums of Transformation Locations
You’ll find Rostrums of Transformation at:
- Skytop Observatory in Waking Shores
- Rusza’thar Reach in Ohn’ahran Plains
- Misty Canyon Overlook in Azure Span
- Western side of Valdrakken
Then, you can change how you travel through the Dragon Isles. And if you get tired of how your dragons look, you can easily look for specific manuscripts or go back to a Rostrum of Transformation since there is one in every big Dragonflight area.
Gameplay of WoW Dragonflight
The main setting of Dragonflight is the Dragon Isles, which are split into five zones. The four main zones are the Waking Shores, the Ohn’ahran Plains, the Azure Span, and Thaldraszus. Valdrakken, a neutral city in Thaldraszus, acts as a hub, like Oribos in the Shadowlands. The Dracthyr race starts in the Forbidden Reach, which is also the fifth zone.
The level cap was raised to 70 in Dragonflight. This was the first time it had been raised since Shadowlands lowered the level cap. The user interface and skill tree systems have also been changed in Dragonflight. There are now two tree branches. The Dracthyr is a new race you can play as, and the Evoker is a new class. Evokers are the only class that Dracthyr can play, and they are also the only class that Dracthyr can play.
Evokers wear metal armor and can choose between two specializations: Devastation, which focuses on ranged damage, and Preservation, which focuses on healing. Like the Pandaren, who were introduced in Mists of Pandaria, the Dracthyr can choose to join either the Alliance or the Horde. Dracthyr Evokers are also a hero class because they start at level 58 and have their own starting area.