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How to Hide or Unhide Rows or Columns in Excel: When it comes to the creation of Excel spreadsheets, having access to functions that allow you to insert, delete, hide, and unhide rows and columns can be very helpful. In certain circumstances, having the capability to hide columns or rows in your spreadsheet can be a very useful tool. You have the option of hiding particular fields or records from view while still retaining their presence in your tables or formulas. Nevertheless, when you’re working with other people on a project, hidden rows and columns can be an unpleasant surprise. In Microsoft Excel, fortunately, there are multiple methods available for locating and revealing previously hidden columns and rows.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to hide columns and rows in Microsoft Excel using three distinct methods: by using the right-click or context menu, by using the ‘Format’ menu, and by using a keyboard shortcut. You will also learn how to use the ‘Go to Special’ command to locate columns or rows that have been hidden from view. In addition, you will become familiar with four distinct methods for revealing all columns and rows at the same time. Last but not least, you will become familiar with three distinct methods how to Hide or Unhide Rows or Columns in Excel, as well as any other individual columns or rows.
How to Hide Columns and Rows in Excel

- To select more than one column or row next to each other, click the first column or row, hold down the Shift key, and click the last column or row.
- Choose more than one column or row that is not next to each other: As you hold down the Control (or Command on a Mac) key and click each column or row, you can move on to the next one.
- Fill out the name box: In the box to the left of the formula field, type a cell name. Let’s say you want to hide the second row. This is type B2. (Read our guide to the Excel name box for more information.)
Choose what you want to hide, then use one of these ways to hide the columns or rows.
- If you want to hide a column or row, right-click on it and select “Hide.” (This method won’t work if you already typed in the column or row number.)
- To hide rows, press Ctrl + 9 and to hide columns, press Ctrl + 0.
- Select the Home tab, then click Format > Hide and Unhide in the Cells group. Then, choose either Hide Rows or Hide Columns.
How to Unhide Columns or Rows in Excel
- To show a hidden row or column again, right-click on the thin double line that shows it and choose “Unhide.”
- Pick the two columns or rows that are next to it. In the Cells group on the Home tab, click Format > Hide and Unhide. Then, pick either Unhide Rows or Unhide Columns.
- If you want to show all columns or rows again in your spreadsheet, press Control + A (or Command + A on a Mac), right-click, and choose “Unhide.”
- Keep in mind that you can only hide or show multiple columns or rows at a time. You cannot hide or show both columns and rows at the same time.
Why might you want to hide or unhide rows and columns?
- Data Presentation: You may want to temporarily hide certain rows or columns to declutter your spreadsheet and make it more readable. This is particularly useful when dealing with large datasets where not all information is relevant at a given moment.
- Data Focus: Hiding rows or columns can help you focus on specific parts of your data. For instance, you can hide rows containing data that is not currently needed for analysis, making it easier to concentrate on the relevant information.
- Privacy: If you’re sharing a spreadsheet with others, you might want to hide sensitive or confidential information by hiding specific rows or columns. This way, you can share the document without revealing all the data.
- Simplifying Formulas: When working with complex formulas or calculations, hiding irrelevant rows or columns can simplify the process. This reduces the risk of errors and streamlines the workflow.
- Printing: Hiding certain rows or columns can optimize the document for printing. You can hide items that are not necessary in the printout, making the printed version more concise and easier to read.
- Data Organization: Hiding rows or columns can be a useful organizational tool. For instance, you can hide completed tasks in a to-do list or archive old data, making your spreadsheet cleaner and more organized.
Benefits of Using Grouping and Outlining
- Better visibility of data: grouping and outlining let you hide or collapse parts of your data, which makes your worksheet less cluttered and easier to focus on. This is very useful for big datasets with lots of different levels of data.
- Better organization of data: Grouping helps you put data into logical groups or hierarchies. It is easier to find your way around and understand complex data structures when you use summary levels and sub-levels.
- Data Analysis That Works: Outlining can help you analyze data at different levels of detail when you are working with detailed data. You can make sections bigger or smaller as needed to see more information or more general summaries.
- Space Optimization: You can make more room on your worksheet by folding down sections that are grouped together. This is helpful for showing data in reports because it lets you fit more information into a smaller space.
- Customization: Excel lets you change the settings for the group and outline. You have control over how your data is shown because you can pick how many levels to show or how summary rows or columns look.
Hide rows that you don’t want users to see in order to stop them from accessing areas of a worksheet that you don’t want them to see. This will prevent users from wandering into areas of the worksheet that you don’t want them to see. This method is typically employed to conceal sensitive data or formulas; however, you may also wish to hide unused or unimportant areas to ensure that your users are concentrating on the information that is most important to them. When you are updating your own sheets or exploring workbooks that you have inherited, on the other hand, you will almost certainly want to unhide all rows and columns so that you can view all of the data and comprehend the dependencies. You will learn about both of these choices in this article.
Questions and Answers
If you are working with a spreadsheet that contains confidential or sensitive information, then it is possible that some rows and columns have been hidden from view. You might also need to conceal data or information in your own spreadsheet that you deem unnecessary or that you don’t want other people to see.
This keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + Shift + 0, will show any hidden columns that are located to the left of the column that you are currently working in. This keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + Shift + 9, will show any hidden columns that are located to the right of the column that you are currently working in. This keyboard shortcut, Ctrl + Shift + F, will reveal any columns that have been hidden across the entire worksheet.
The combination of the keys Ctrl and J justifies the position of the selected text or line on the screen. Insert a hyperlink by pressing Ctrl and K. When you press Ctrl and L, the line or the selected text will be aligned to the left of the screen. To indent the paragraph, press Ctrl+M. When you press Ctrl+N, a new window for a blank document will open.