Think about when you’re driving on the road, and you will also getting up the text messages on your Android smartphone from the business mates, family members, etc. However here if you are driving on the road, then you surely won’t be capable of keeping up the conversation quick and because of that some of your important business deals or something like that could be interesting. To solve that problem on the Android smartphone here is a method to which you can reply the other people while driving and tell them that you’re driving and send them your location and for all that you’ll also not need even to touch your Android device as this process will be done automatically. So to know how one can also try this and want to make text replies secure while driving.
Step to Reply to Texts with your Location while Traveling
Step 1. First of all, installing the great App called “Locate Driver” from the Google play store on your Android device.
Step 2. Now, the very another thing that Locate driver will only send your location if the other person texts you with an exact keyword. Simply be doing Set up a Keyword that will be a code word for the other users. This app will be sharing your location. After that create your keyword that can be something like punctuation marks, space, etc. just go for the another step.
Step 3. The n, locate driver will set up to 4 messages that shall be the similar word answers to your trusted users they will send you the information with the specific keyword. The message replies can be GPS information, Map location, etc. If you’re done almost. The n, you can hit the ‘Ok‘ button.
Step 4. Finally, the way by which you can share your location details while not even touching your phone. To do that you won’t need to do something but the other side text message will have to work for you. He/she will have to enter that small keyword that you need to set in this app in the text message, and after that, the app recognizes up the keyword, it would automatically send the location details to the sender.
Step 5. That’s it! Now you’re done.
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