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This tip is about the how to Change PC Name in Windows 10. So read this free guide, How to Change PC Name in Windows 10. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Change PC Name in Windows 10 – Guide
Is your Windows computer blocked with a name you don’t particularly like? A new PC has a name courtesy of the vendor, but you can change it. Whichever version of Windows you are running – Windows 10, 8.1 or 7 – you can change the computer name to something you like.
However, there are some best practices to follow, especially for networked PCs. The name must be no longer than 15 characters. And certain types of characters are off limits. But if you stick with any combination of letters, numbers and/or hyphens, you’ll be fine. First, why bother renaming your computer? Are there any downsides to just keeping the existing name? Well, the name identifies your computer not just to you, but to other people who might be viewing it over a network.
Rename Windows 11 PC through Settings
Windows 11 provides an easy way to change your computer’s name from the Settings menu. Here’s how to do this:
Rename Windows PC 11 from the About section
There is another way to change your computer name in Settings. That’s how it works:
Then the same pop-up “Rename your PC”up window as seen in the previous method. As already explained, type the desired PC name in the pop-up, click “Next” and select “Restart now” to implement the name change.
Rename Windows 11 PC through System Properties
Before GUI methods were introduced in Windows 10, the easiest way to change your computer name in Windows was to use the System Properties option. This method is still available in the latest version of Windows. See how you use it:
Rename Windows 11 PC Using Command Prompt
The Command Prompt has long been a geek’s favorite destination for implementing many changes to Windows. Although now being deprecated by Windows Terminal, Command Prompt remains an essential part of Windows 11. You can still use it to rename your PC, and here’s how:
Rename Windows 11 PC Using PowerShell
Finally, we come to the PowerShell method of changing the computer name in Windows 11. It’s also as easy as the Command Prompt method and doesn’t require a lot of technical knowledge. Here’s how you do it:
Final note
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