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This tip is about the how to Clean Up Your iPhone Apps and Reset the Home Screen Layout. So read this free guide, How to Clean Up Your iPhone Apps and Reset the Home Screen Layout. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Clean Up Your iPhone Apps and Reset the Home Screen Layout – Guide
Apple Sleek Support home the screen layout greets you when you take a new iPhone out of the box. Your home screens can get cluttered over time when you install apps and move things. There’s also the issue of young people getting access to your iPhone and moving apps indiscriminately, creating new folders and cluttering your phone. home. The good news is that Apple predicted this behavior and included an option built into iOS 11 to restore your iPhone’s default layout.
How to To clean Up Your iPhone apps and restart the Home screen layout
To clean up your home screens, go to Settings -> General, scroll to the bottom and tap Reset. Within Reset, select Reset Home Screen layout option.
All native Apple apps on your device will be organized in the original format they came in when you first turned on iPhone. As for downloaded apps, don’t worry – they won’t be deleted. Instead, they will be defined up in alphabetical order, starting on the second page of your home screen. Any folders you have will be removed from your home screens.
Final note
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