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This tip is about the how to download and install Webmin on Rocky Linux. So read this free guide, How to download and install Webmin on Rocky Linux. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to download and install Webmin on Rocky Linux – Guide
Webmin is a web-based tool whose purpose is to download and install on a Linux server to supervise it with the help of a graphical user interface. It is open source and can be installed on popular Linux distributions using various commands. It is used to manage Linux systems running without a graphical user interface (GUI) through the network, eg servers. This type of access is sometimes also called “headless”.
Webmin is available in 14 languages for several other Unix variants, of course also for GNU / Linux. New functions can simply be added via modules, this is promoted by a well-documented API. Users can build and launch Apache, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin and other web services needed for a web server with a few clicks.
To effectively supervise the files on the server, Webmin offers a built-in file manager to use them all. Having root user rights, this system administrator can manage things easily. In addition, terminal access is also there.
Steps to install Webmin on Rocky Linux system
Before performing this installation procedure, make sure the following requirements are met:
There are different methods of installing Webmin. You can download and run the RPM package, you can install from the repository, or better yet, install Webmin from an automatic install script. Installation from the install script is the preferred way as it provides the latest package. In addition, it automates the creation of custom directories and the creation of the admin user and password.
Here, we will install Webmin using the installation script on Rocky Linux.
1. Download the Webmin file
The Webmin download page offers a variety of binary package formats that you can download; from RPM to Deb packages for Debian based distributions. Let’s download the zipped tarball file that contains the install script.
To do this, download it with the command below:
You can verify the download using the ls command:
$ls -l | grep webmin
You can verify the authenticity of the download using MD5 verification:
$ md5sum webmin-1.979.tar.gz
This will display the MD5 checksum.
The checksum must match the checksum on the download site. You will see that the terminal’s checksum values match those of the website.
2. Extract the Webmin file
Now, let’s extract the Webmin file using the tar command given below:
$ tar -xvf webmin-1.979.tar.gz
This unzipped the entire contents of the zipped file into a Webmin directory. Use the ls command to check its existence:
$ls -l | grep webmin
3. Install Webmin from the install script
Now we have all the files needed to install Webmin. The next course of action is to create a Webmin directory in /usr/local/path, which is the directory used to store applications locally by system administrators.
$ sudo mkdir -p / usr / local / webmin
Then run the install script in the newly created directory:
$ sudo ./webmin-1979/ / usr / local / webmin
The script will trigger a series of prompts. For simplicity, accept the defaults by pressing ENTER.
Then create an administrator by providing the login name and password. Also make sure to use SSL for the sole purpose of providing encryption on the webmin site.
The script will perform some tasks and this takes a while – approximately 10 minutes. Finally, if all goes well, Webmin will install successfully and the URL you can login with will be provided. By default, Webmin listens on port 10000.
4. Configure the firewall to allow access to Webmin
As Webmin will mainly be accessed remotely, it is important to allow access to external users. So be sure to open port 10000:
$ sudo firewall-cmd –add-port = 10000 / tcp –permanent
Then reload the firewall to apply the changes you just made:
$ sudo firewall-cmd –reload
5. Access Webmin
I. To access Webmin, navigate to the URL shown below:
https: // server-IP or FQDN: 10000
ii. You will initially receive an alert of an impending security risk if you continue browsing. But don’t worry, this is simply because we chose to encrypt Webmin with an SSL certificate that is not recognized by the CA – Certificate Authority. To get around this, click on ‘Advanced’ button.
iii. Click ‘Accept the risk and continue’ button to go to the login page.
4. On the login page, enter the administrator username and password and click ‘Login’ button.
The Webmin dashboard will appear. At a glance, you can see crucial metrics like CPU, RAM and disk utilization and other details like hostname, OS version, time and date, uptime, kernel and CPU version, to name a few.
Scrolling down reveals some real-time statistics of metrics like memory, CPU, swap and disk I/O in graph format.
On the left sidebar, there are additional options that you can examine and configure.
6. Add SSL certificate using Let’s Encrypt
I. In the Webmin dashboard, you can easily set up the Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate.
ii. Go to Webmin Setup -> Let’s Encrypt and press Install Now button to install the cerbot package.
Once the cerbot package is installed, we can configure Lets Encrypt to request the certificate. We mainly need to provide the hostname for the certificate and the webroot path to check DNS (make sure the apache web server is installed for this).
iii. Click Request Certificate button to release a new certificate for the domain.
This will enable SSL on Webmin using the free Let’s Encrypt certificate.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to download and install Webmin on Rocky Linux. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.