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This tip is about the how to Fix ‘iPhone Can’t Find Bluetooth Device’ Issues. So read this free guide, How to Fix ‘iPhone Can’t Find Bluetooth Device’ Issues. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Fix ‘iPhone Can’t Find Bluetooth Device’ Issues – Guide
Using your iPhone for everyday business tasks makes it an invaluable tool, especially for doing phone calls with a Bluetooth headset. On the rare occasions that your iPhone’s Bluetooth connection process doesn’t seem to be working properly, there are some troubleshooting steps you can take. Checking that the remote device is fully charged and in the correct mode can often resolve the issue. If that doesn’t work, you can try other solutions.
You want to run, but iPhone does not connect to Bluetooth headphones. If you’re like me, you can’t walk without music! In this article, I will explain how to fix the issue when iPhone cannot find Bluetooth devices.
Switch Bluetooth
It’s amazing how many problems can be solved by simply turning it off and on again.
Alternatively, you can perform the same steps, but tap Airplane Mode button to turn off Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and cellular and turn it back on.
forced reset
The next thing to try is a cold reset. Make all the “reboot Windows” jokes you want, but sometimes the bad parts get stuck and need to be eliminated.
pair different
If you have more than one iOS device available, even if you need to borrow it from a family member, friend, classmate or co-worker, try using it to connect to your Bluetooth accessory. If it works, the issue is with your iOS device and you will need to continue troubleshooting.
If a family member, friend, classmate or co-worker has the same Bluetooth accessory as you, it’s worth checking that theirs also works with your iPhone or iPad. If that doesn’t work, the problem could be with the Bluetooth accessory and you should return it (if you can exchange it) or contact the manufacturer for assistance (if you can’t exchange it).
Forget it
If not the radio, then something may have gone wrong with the setup. Forgetting the device allows you to redo it.
Apple’s Bluetooth stack – the software suite that controls the radio – has its occasional quirks. Sometimes new iOS versions have compatibility issues and sometimes they fix them. If you’re having Bluetooth connectivity issues, however, it’s better to upgrade than not. If it’s already broken, the update is your chance to fix it.
Restore with your Mac
If there was no update – or even if there was – restoring your iPhone or iPad using your Mac can sometimes drop bad bits that even a hard reset or an iCloud restore can’t. That’s because your Mac dumps your data, restores your operating system, and then reloads your data. Think of it like spring cleaning.
When finished, try connecting to Bluetooth again. If it works, huzzah. If not, there is one last thing you can try…
reset networks
Resetting is a pain in the ass, but if something has gone wrong with the way your iPhone or iPad connects to other devices, sometimes the pain can be curative. You’ll have to reconnect to any Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices you own or use, but when you’re done, see if the accessory starts working. If that happens, it was worth it. If not, let’s continue.
Contact Apple
Sometimes a problem is really a problem. Like any electronic device, Bluetooth radios and the various connections to them can be problematic. If you have AppleCare +, don’t walk, run to get it fixed. If not, get an estimate and compare the repair cost to the cost of upgrading to a new device.
If you don’t live near an Apple Store, you can call 1-800-MY-APPLE to set up up a repair by mail. If you don’t have Apple Care, you may have to pay for the call, but it’s less wasteful than having an iPhone or iPad that you can’t connect to.
Final note
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