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This tip is about the how to fix ‘iPhone Won’t AirDrop’ issue. So read this free guide, How to fix ‘iPhone Won’t AirDrop’ issue. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to fix ‘iPhone Won’t AirDrop’ issue – Guide
AirDrop lets you wirelessly transfer almost anything from your iPhone, iPad or Mac to another current Apple device. It uses Bluetooth 4.x for transfer and discovery with low power consumption and point-to-point Wi-Fi for fast transfer. Transferring files to your various Apple devices is part of what makes using the best iPhone, iPad, or Mac so easy. The entire process is not only simple, but incredibly secure…. When it works. That’s right, while we praised how stable and awesome Apple’s latest software is in our review of iOS 14, any software can malfunction.
If you’re having trouble with AirDrop, there are a few steps you can take to fix the behavior of your iPhone, iPad, or Mac so you can transfer files again without a hitch. Here are some steps you can try to solve many problems with AirDrop when it doesn’t work the way you like it.
How to fix the ‘iPhone not AirDrop’ problem
Are you discoverable on AirDrop?
To access the same discoverable settings on your Mac, bring up AirDrop in Finder by:
Are Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled?
On Mac, AirDrop can enable Bluetooth if disabled.
Are all AirDrop devices enabled?
Perhaps the most common issue encountered using AirDrop is a device failing to appear because it is sleeping. On iOS devices, AirDrop requires the monitor to be active. On Mac, the computer should not be sleeping, although the screen may be dark.
You can also use the Power Saver preference pane on your Mac to keep your computer from sleeping or to set a longer period of time before falling asleep.
Airplane mode and do not disturb
Another common mistake that causes problems with AirDrop is forgetting that your device is in airplane mode or in Do Not Disturb mode. Airplane Mode has disabled all wireless radios, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, on which AirDrop depends to operate. You can check Airplane mode as well as change your setting by selecting Settings > Airplane Mode. You can also access the AirPlane mode setting in Control Panel by swiping your finger up at the bottom of the screen.
Do Not Disturb on iOS devices and on Mac can prevent AirDrop from working properly. In either case, Do Not Disturb disables notification delivery. This not only prevents you from seeing any AirDrop requests, it also makes your device invisible. The opposite is not true, however, while you are in Do Not Disturb mode, you can send information via AirDrop.
Final note
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