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This tip is about the how to Fix ‘Windows 10 Stuck’ Issue on Welcome Screen. So read this free guide, How to Fix ‘Windows 10 Stuck’ Issue on Welcome Screen. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Fix ‘Windows 10 Stuck’ Issue on Welcome Screen – Guide
It all starts on Windows 10 PC splash screen, but sometimes it gets stuck and you get Windows 10 crash issue on splash screen. In that case, your best bet is to follow the guides this will show you how to fix the problem on your Windows 10 PC.
Fortunately, there are several ways to fix the problem with Windows 10 hanging on your computer’s home screen. All of these methods work in different ways, but they will certainly help you solve the problem. follow the guide below to learn some of the best possible solutions to the problem.
Why Windows 10 Hangs on Welcome Screen
The welcome screen plays a very important role as it is the interface that can be used to log into the Windows 10 computer via the accounts created by the users. And if you encounter the issue “Windows has crashed on the welcome screen”, you will no doubt be upset and will not be able to access your system. Well, the problem seems pretty common, but it doesn’t leave it anywhere! The reason for the “Windows 10 is stuck on welcome” issue could be – from a faulty system update to some other software issues.
Sometimes, the “hanged on Windows 10 welcome screen” issue might appear suddenly. Well, whatever the reason for the problem, computers that have the problem “Windows 10 freezes on splash screen” need to be fixed as soon as possible. We’ve put together for you the best and all possible ways to eliminate the “Computer Stuck on Home Screen” problem
How to Fix crashed Windows 10 welcome screen
Use Auto Repair
Disable all connected devices
Another solution to the “Windows 10 crashed on welcome screen after upgrade” issue is to disconnect all devices that are externally connected to your computer. Externally connected devices such as keyboard, mouse, Bluetooth speakers, speakers, USB Wi-Fi adapters, USB dongles and so on can be worked on. After disconnecting these devices, try restarting the PC. When prompted for your credentials when logging into your account, you can connect the devices.
Disconnect your PC from the Internet
Sometimes the Internet connection is the reason behind the “Windows 10 stuck in the welcome screen” issue. Your system continually tries to establish an Internet connection. And if internet access is not allowed, the problem is ready for you on the welcome screen! Therefore, to get rid of this problem, before logging in, you must not be connected to the internet.
Use a bootable CD/USB to repair Windows 10
If any of the above methods do not give you success to resolve “HP laptop stuck in welcome screen Windows 10 problem”, all you can do is repair your system with the help of bootable media. If you have the media with you, use it too. Otherwise, just take a new USB / DVD with enough space, ie more than 7 GB, and use it to create bootable media. Take care that all data present on the PC is obviously deleted. So you better go back up of your data before going to this method. Follow the steps below to resolve the “Windows 10 freezes on welcome screen” issue.
Run system checks through the command prompt
Corrupted system files on your computer can be another reason Windows 10 hangs on the welcome screen for a long time. And therefore, your Windows is stuck at the welcome screen. Well, we have ways to run some checks that can check your system for discrepancies. Follow the steps below to resolve the issue.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Fix ‘Windows 10 Stuck’ Issue on Welcome Screen. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.