Table of Contents
This tip is about the how to Rename a Windows 10 Printer. So read this free guide, How to Rename a Windows 10 Printer. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Rename a Windows 10 Printer – Guide
Every time a new printer (or any device) is installed in Windows 10, a name is automatically created for it. The new printer is usually named after its series, model number, and manufacturer. For most purposes this name works well. However, you can rename your printer so that others who discover it on a network know who owns it. Whatever the reason, this guide has all the information you need to get started renaming your printer without hassle.
Most homes will likely find only one printer, which makes it easier as it’s the only one connected to their system. Workplace printers are a completely different box of worms. Chances are, especially in an office environment, more than one printer is connected on a network. This can be confusing, for example trying to remember exactly which printer you have been assigned to use in the office or department. Printer names are usually defined up such as the manufacturer and model number of the printer.
Renaming your printer in settings
Let’s go into Windows settings to start the process of renaming your printer(s) in Windows 10.
Renaming your printer through the control panel
Let’s take a look at How to use Control Panel instead of Windows settings to rename your printer.
Final note
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