This article will show you how to Increasing size of thumbnails for Mac. Most people don’t think much about thumbnail pictures until they have to make them for a lot of photos. It takes a lot more time than you might think to shrink photos into tiny squares and save a separate copy. If you have a Mac, you can use the “resize” tool in the built-in image viewer, Preview, to make thumbnails.
But if you want a way that takes a lot less time, MacOS comes with a program called Automator. This program lets you set up actions that will automatically make thumbnails from your pictures. When working with graphics on your Mac, the Thumbnail feature is very helpful. With previews, you don’t have to click and open each file to get a quick look at what’s inside. If you want to know more information about this Visit Official Apple Support site.
How to Increasing size of thumbnails for Mac
- Open any Finder window with a folder containing images, such as our folder containing screenshots from the game Fortnite. Now make sure you are in icon view, by clicking the icon with the six little squares.
- In the menu bar at the top of the screen, click View and then Show View Options. A rectangular window should appear over your Finder folder.
- Use the icon size slider to enlarge the icons/thumbnails to your desired size. You should see the size of the thumbnail images in the background increase/decrease as you move the slider.
- Once you’re happy with the size of your thumbnails, hit the button at the bottom of the menu that says Use as Defaults and that new size will be applied across every folder on your Mac.
The resize tool on your computer makes it easy to make thumbnails bigger. It can be found in most tools for changing photos. One of the most common choices is Photoshop. But there are two problems with the old ways of doing things.
The Quick Look framework lets you make a small picture, or thumbnail, of a file and its contents so that apps that run on macOS 10.14 or older can show it. Use the QuickLook Thumbnailing framework to make images for apps that run on macOS 10.15 and later.
You can only share images that are up to 2MB in size to use as thumbnails on YouTube. If you try to share a file that is bigger than 2MB, you will get a message saying “File is bigger than 2MB,” and the file will not be accepted.
If your picture has too many parts, your thumbnail will often look blurry at the smaller size. When it comes to sizing and layout, it’s best to follow YouTube’s rules: The picture should have a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels and a width of at least 640 pixels. Use a proportion of 16:9.