Nowadays all of you’re aware of the virus, Virus is a computer program which is designed for reducing computer efficiency, Stealing data discard memory like HDD, RAM etc. The most frustrating moment for you when your computer gets infected by some virus. USB or Flash drive is one of the common ways by which your computer gets infected by the virus. No doubt antivirus is the fastest way to fix your computer from virus and if you’ll purchase any antivirus program for your computer then it’ll cost you about $100. There are also many few free antivirus available on the internet, you can use them, but of course, free versions aren’t able to free your computer from all types of hazards. Today we’re here with a trick of by which you can easily remove your PC virus using CMD.
Yes, this is possible by this way that I’ve been discussed in the below article How to remove your PC virus using CMD by just following the below steps.
Steps To Remove Your PC Virus Using CMD
Step 1. First of all, click on Start and type cmd and run as administrator.
Step 2. Now command prompt window will open, now select your drive which you want to remove the virus.
Also Read: The Antivirus Every PC user should have
Step 3. Now let the drive is D.
Step 4. Now in cmd window type “attrib -s -h /s /d .” then press enter.
Step 5. Now type dir by this all your content will get displayed.
Step 6. Now if you notice and unusual file.exe and any of “autorun.inf” then rename it with the command(rename filename.extension new filename)
Step 7. That’s it! Now you can access your drives without affecting from viruses. ?
So above is all about How to remove your PC virus using CMD. I hope you like it so please don’t forget to share this post with others.