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This tip is about the how to Blur a Photo using Adobe Light room. So read this free guide, How to Blur a Photo using Adobe Light room step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Blur a Photo using Adobe Light room – Guide
Here is the typical mistake of a beginning photographer. You are so focused on the subject that you lose track of your surroundings. Sometimes you take pictures with the background distracting from the subject. In this article, you will learn how to blur the background in Lightroom in post-production exactly in these cases.
Sometimes it’s possible to fix things in post-production. You can add interesting elements in the foreground to create a composite image. Or you can blur the background so it’s less distracting and the subject stands out better. keep reading to learn how to blur a disturbing background in Adobe Lightroom. And if you want to know more about how to do it right camera, check the bonus section on final.
Import photo into editor
The first step is not always the most difficult because importing images into Lightroom Classic CC only requires you to click Import button in the lower left corner of the screen, and you can also use the software to access the images that are still on your camera. Adobe’s photo editor also lets you edit RAW image files, which is very useful if you want to produce large photo files that contain all of your data. camera could capture.
Click on the Develop Module and locate the Adjustment Brush icon in the toolbar on the right side of the screen. After clicking the Adjustment Brush option, you can see several sliders that let you control values such as Clarity, Sharpness, or Noise, among other things. The software basically lets you create a mask over the original photo to which you can add any amount of blur you want and for that reason you need to click the New icon to create a new mask.
Paint over the area of the image you would like to blur.
After creating a new mask, you must click the Show selected mask overlay checkbox to ensure that the original photo remains unaffected by the changes you plan to make. Options such as Size, Flow and Diffusion will let you control the size of the brush you are using or the intensity of your strokes.
Adjusting the brush size to the surface you are going to paint on will allow you to precisely define the area of the image that you want to blur. Since the mask and the brush features are all set up, you can start painting the parts of the photo that you want to add the blur effect.
Apply the effect and adjust the settings
Once you’ve marked all the areas of the image that you want to blur, you can adjust the values on the Clarity and Sharpness sliders. Setting your values to -100 will ensure that you apply enough blur effects, but every photo is different, so you shouldn’t take that as a rule of thumb.
Additionally, Lightroom Classic CC offers color correction options, which means you can adjust the levels of reds, greens, and blues in your photos. Adobe Photo Editor is a perfect tool for photographers and photo editors who want complete creative control over the process of adding blur to the background of their photos.
save your work
When you’re done working in the Development module, just click the Done button and return to the editor’s Library mode. Locate the photo you just edited and click the Export button button. The software provides powerful tools for organizing and naming the files produced with it, so if you’ve been using Adobe Lightroom Classic CC for an extended period of time, you’ll have no problem creating an archive of your photos.
Final note
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