Today, in this article, we show how to Create iPhone ringtone. Smartphone ringtones are something you don’t think about too much – until you hear the ringtone on your phone and want to change it as soon as possible. The iPhone comes with a variety of ringtones, but since we hear them everywhere, the sound can get tiresome and annoying. It’s good to know that there are more touch options than Apple’s diverse but limited selection.
If you’re looking for something new and unique, you can try creating your own ringtones. The selection of songs and sounds you can use is limitless. You can even assign the tones to specific people, so you know who’s calling you just by touch. Just remember that touches are limited to a maximum of 30 seconds. In addition to music, you can also set Voice Memos app audio as custom ringtones.
There are a variety of ringtones included with iPhone that you can use, but since it’s yours phone, why not create an iPhone ringtone for certain contacts? So when a specific person calls, you’ll know who it is right away. For example, you can program a song that has special meaning to you and your spouse so that when they call, you’ll instantly recognize them when you hear the song. Below are the steps to create iPhone ringtone.
Creating the iPhone Ringtone
Step 1: Open iTunes on the desktop for start. download it from Apple website if you don’t already have it, as if you’re working on a Windows device.
Step 2: choose the song you want to use to create a ringtone and click in him.
Step 3: right click on the song and choose the Song Info option.
Step 4: click on the options tab.
Step 5: Choose up to a 30 second period in the song you want to make your ringtone. Litter limits your touch to 30 seconds, so you can’t have anything more.
Step 6: Click OK to confirm your song selection.
Step 7: With the music featured, click under File, then Convert and choose the option that says “Create AAC Version.” Apple’s iTunes will immediately convert the 30 second audio clip you just created.
Step 8: Right-click on the ringtone you just made created and in one Macchoose option “Show in Finder.” Common Windows PCsearch for music on your windows explorer panel to find its location on your hard drive.
Step 9: Change the song file extension from .m4a to .m4r. That’s because Apple uses a .m4r extension for ringtones instead of the familiar .m4a. When prompted to keep .m4a or use .m4r, choose the latter.
Step 10: keep your iTunes window open and turn on your iphone inside you computer. You will see the iPhone pop up in the left sidebar of the screen.
Step 11: Drag and Drop the .m4r ringtone you just created on the option in the left sidebar below your iPhone that says “Tones”. It should be seen in the ringtones section of your iPhone.
Step 12: go to your iphone and click on Settings.
Step 13: Under Settings, choose sounds & haptics.
Step 14: Scroll down for touch and Touch this option.
Step 15: Here, you should see your new ringtone. select it. The ringtone should also play, so you can be sure it works correctly and everything is ready.
Final Words
We hope you like our article about how to Create iPhone ringtone. You are in a public place and suddenly an iPhone starts ringing. This is probably the time when several people around you start digging through their pockets in search of the iPhone. If you can’t stand to hear “Openness” or “Reflection” anymore, you need to learn how to create ringtones for your iPhone yourself. Fortunately, it’s pretty simple.