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This tip is about the how to customize Windows 11 network adapter settings. So read this free guide, How to customize Windows 11 network adapter settings step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to customize Windows 11 network adapter settings – Guide
Normally, Windows automatically detects the presence of a network adapter, and you do not need to explicitly install device drivers for the adapter. Windows creates a network connection and configures it to support basic network protocols when it finds a network adapter. However, it may be necessary to manually update the configuration of a network connection. On a Windows 10 machine, the steps below will teach you how to configure your network adapter.
The Network Connections page loads. Each of your network adapters is listed on this page. Only one connected Ethernet adapter is seen in this situation. Additional adapters will appear on this page if the device has more than one.
Changing network adapter priorities in Windows 11
One of the first things you can do is check the current priorities of all network adapters.
The command returns all network adapters and their interface index numbers plus other information, for example, the state of the connection. The index number, displayed in the first column, is unique for each network adapter. The InterfaceMetric value defines the priority. Lower InterfaceMetric numbers are prioritized over higher numbers.
Tip: the command supports several parameters to customize the query. Some interesting options include:
All that is needed now is to define the values according to the requirements.
The basic command for this is Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex “XX” -InterfaceMetric “YY”.
Here is an example:
This changes the priority of the network adapter with interface index 5 to 50. Note that there is no confirmation message.
Tip: The command is very powerful as it supports parameters to change certain network adapter specific attributes, for example add -Dhcp Disabled to disable DHCP for the specified adapter.
When finished, run the Get command again to make sure the changes were set correctly.
PowerShell provides a quick and easy option to change network adapter priorities. Alternatively, you can use the Network Connections Control Panel applet to modify the priorities.
Change network adapter priorities in Network Connections
You can change network adapter priorities using the Network Connections Control Panel applet. It doesn’t provide as good an overview as the PowerShell option, but some users may prefer the graphical user interface over the command line option.
You might still want to run the PowerShell command which lists all network adapters and their priorities, as you won’t get an overview in the Network Connections applet.
Select Start. Type ncpa.cpl and run the command; this opens the Network Connections control panel applet. Tip: Check out our complete list of commands for opening Control Panel applets in Windows.
Right-click the network adapter for which you want to change the priority and select Properties from the context menu that opens.
Locate Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4) or Internet Protocol version 6 (TCP / IPv6) and select the properties button. If you want to change the priority of both, repeat the process several times.
Select the advanced button on the next screen that opens.
The interface metric value defines the adapter priority. Change to the desired priority and select OK to complete the process.
Final note
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