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This tip is about the how to disable startup apps in Windows. So read this free guide, How to disable startup apps in Windows step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to disable startup apps in Windows – Guide
The more software you install on your computer, the longer it takes for Windows to start. Many programs add themselves to the list of programs that start when the computer starts, and this list can get long. Windows 11 allows apps to register themselves with the system as part of the installation process to automatically start at startup. You can also configure certain services to run in the background to perform specific tasks, including speeding up up the application release process.
although that feature can be useful for some apps you use frequently, many apps and services may run at startup which may take longer to start up and discharge the battery. If you want to prevent Microsoft Teams, Spotify, the Xbox app, or any other app from automatically starting on startup, Windows 11 offers at least three ways to manage apps on startup, including using the Settings app, the task manager, and the folder startup.
For those who are wondering if there is a need to disable startup programs, this is beneficial and will increase your system’s performance. Loading too many programs at startup would make Windows take longer to boot. In addition, these programs take up system resources and can slow you down.
How to disable startup apps in windows
Using Task Manager
Using Windows Settings
To disable running apps at startup in Windows 11, use these steps:
Using WMIC
Using the Group Policy Editor
If you use Pro or Enterprise version of Windows 11/10, you can also remove startup programs with the help of Group Policy Editor app. Home Edition users can add Group Policy Editor and disable startup programs using it. You can simply follow the steps below to do this:
Final note
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