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This tip is about the how to enable picture-in-picture mode to watch videos on Windows 11 PC. So read this free guide, How to enable picture-in-picture mode to watch videos on Windows 11 PC step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to enable picture-in-picture mode to watch videos on Windows 11 PC – Guide
Windows 11 is an operating system designed for multitasking. Microsoft added a special “Snap Layout” feature to make it easier to use apps side-by-side, but Windows 10 already had a lot of ways to work on multiple things at once. Watching videos in full screen is great, but it’s not always the best option if you want to work on other things at the same time. That’s where Picture in Picture comes in – it shrinks the video player into a small window that you can move anywhere.
Windows 11 natively supports Picture in Picture via a system app, but only for offline videos. However, there are different solutions for web-based content. As the name suggests, PiP mode lets you play a minimized version of a video in a small, resizable window on your screen. Also, you can play different videos at the same time in the same window.
You are free to move this around the screen however you like. PiP mode is a must if you are a content creator or if your job involves video editing etc. feature makes things a little easier to manage if you’re short on time and screen space. Plus, it’s super quick to summon when you need it.
How to enable picture-in-picture mode to watch videos on Windows 11 PC
Viewing Videos in Picture-in-Picture Mode in Windows 11 Video Player
Picture-in-Picture mode can be found in any Windows 11 native video or media player such as ‘Films & TV’. But note that it works with videos stored on your hard drive. If you want to play a video on the internet in PiP mode, please use a browser that supports PiP.
Using PiP Mode to Play Videos in Chrome or Edge Browser
Most browsers also support PiP mode, but most of the time it is limited to a single tab or website. For full PiP support, it’s best to use an extension. Floating Player – Picture-in-Picture Mode is a small and simple extension. This extension allows you to put any video from any website inside a PiP window that will work not only if you switch tabs, but even if you minimize your browser and switch to a different application.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to enable picture-in-picture mode to watch videos on Windows 11 PC. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.