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This tip is about the how to Fix ‘Slow Windows 11 SSD Performance’ Issue. So read this free guide, How to Fix ‘Slow Windows 11 SSD Performance’ Issue step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Fix ‘Slow Windows 11 SSD Performance’ Issue – Guide
Windows 11 users may experience NVMe drives running slower than expected, but Microsoft has already recognized the problem and released a fix. As part of the latest Windows 11 monthly preview update, Microsoft is now testing a bug patch that should eliminate the issue. Originally released on November 22, Microsoft mentioned that the KB5007262 (OS Build 2200.348) preview contains a fix for write operations. The company also mentions that Windows 11 performed unnecessary actions whenever it wrote it.
However, the problem only occurs when NTFS USN journaling is enabled. In most cases this is always enabled on the C: drive, which is the main system hard drive for most NVMe SSDs installed on a PC. If you want to get this update today to resolve the issue, there is a small risk. This monthly preview update was tested and verified by Microsoft prior to its release. Just go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. You will then find the link to download and install update KB5007262 in the Optional updates available section.
Disable unnecessary services on quick launch Up SSD
If your computer is laptop are running too many services, your SSD may take a long time to boot. Also, you may encounter disk usage error 100. To improve SSD boot time performance, you can first turn off unnecessary services.
Solve slow SSD boot time by enabling fast boot
Fast Startup in Windows 10 (called Fast Boot in Windows 8) works like the hybrid sleep mode of previous versions of Windows. Make your computer boot up even faster, saving valuable seconds every time you turn on the machine.
Steps to enable quick boot:
Manage your SSD by 4K alignment to fix slow boot time
It’s for the scenario you set up a new SSD boot drive in Windows 11/10, for a fresh install or HDD to clone SSD. Perhaps the SSD performance is not fully enabled and you need the free EaseUS partition manager. It provides 4K alignment function to align 4K sectors on your SSD. By aligning the SSD partitions correctly, the SSD can achieve its optimal performance.
In addition to 4K alignment, this software also offers these functions:
Download EaseUS Partition Manager for free on your Windows 11/10 computer and 4K alignment performance.
Perform a system clean on SSD
Typically, an SSD is used as a system disk. The ideal way to use an SSD is not to put too many large personal data files or install programs on it, except for critical system files, because the massive data will affect its read/write speed. If you acted wrong, try cleaning some useless items and losing weight on the unit.
Steps to clean up system reeds:
Prevent Bloatware / Services from loading on startup
In addition to the unnecessary service that is suspected of slowing down your computer’s startup speed, be especially alert for newly installed programs. They are likely depleting the computer’s memory and resources behind the screen, causing 100% disk usage. This would prolong the SSD boot time. Disable the autorun settings by doing this.
Adjust / increase virtual memory to resolve SSD with long boot time
Pay close attention. Your computer is low on memory; can make Windows 11/10 take too long to boot up on the SSD. According to users, you can fix SSD with slow boot time by adjusting the amount of virtual memory.
Steps to increase virtual memory:
Final note
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