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This tip is about the how to Force Delete Files or Folders in Windows 11. So read this free guide, How to Force Delete Files or Folders in Windows 11 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Force Delete Files or Folders in Windows 11 – Guide
It is normal to delete it by right-clicking on a file and selecting the Delete option. But sometimes the file is not deleted for some permission or configuration reason and in this case it is useful to resort to command prompt to force complete deletion of these files. So, here we are going to discuss How to delete a file or folder in Windows 11.
How to Force Delete Files or Folders in Windows 11
Using the command prompt
The command prompt has always been useful in many circumstances. In this method, we will use a command prompt to delete or force delete any of your junk files or folders in Windows 11. First, open the command prompt by searching cmd in the start menu search box and run it as administrator.
To delete any type of file, run the command below:
DEL /F /Q /A “File path”
File Path = Enter the address of the file you want to delete.
For example DEL /F /Q /A “C:UsersBinayDesktopTest.txt”
Now run the command, this will delete the text file from my desktop.
To force delete a folder in Windows 11, you will have to run the following command:
RD /S /Q “Path of the folder”
Be sure to replace the folder path word with the path address of the folder you want to delete.
For example, RD /S /Q “C:UsersBinayDesktopScreenshot”
Once we enter this command, it will delete the screenshot folder.
Using the Shift Shortcut
You should be aware that if we remove a folder or file, Windows will save it to the Recycle Bin, allowing us to recover the file or folder at any time. If the space in the recycle bin is full, you will not be able to remove any files or folders. In this scenario, you can select the file or folder you want to remove and use the Shift+Delete command to delete it without going through the recycle bin.
Using Windows 11 Safe Mode
If you are unable to delete the file using the command prompt or the Shift shortcut method, then there are high chances that some kind of malware or virus has entered your system and is preventing you from deleting the file. To delete the file in this case, boot your PC into Windows 11 safe mode and try to delete the file or folder from safe mode itself, then restart your computer and go back to normal mode. Most likely, this will delete any of your files and folders. Besides these, you can try other methods to delete the file or folder you want. Let’s check out these methods.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Force Delete Files or Folders in Windows 11. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.