Table of Contents
Today in this article we are going to show you how to Install Microsoft Teams on Linux Mint 21 LTS Vanessa. You can collaborate with individuals online from around the world with Microsoft Teams, an online platform. You can share documents and photographs, make video and audio calls, and share documents. To increase productivity, you can use this app to connect with multiple people at the same time and use it for group meetings.
Furthermore, this program is incredibly reliable and secure because it has a two-level data security mechanism that is also encrypted, preventing illegal access to your account. Also, for privacy reasons, all your data including chats and documents can be transferred to the cloud. Microsoft Teams connects and communicates with dispersed teams of employees, making it particularly useful for remote collaboration. Companies around the world have used Microsoft Teams a lot since the COVID-19 outbreak.
Linux Mint was built by a global community of developers and contributors and provides similar functionality, operations and processes to Ubuntu. The main difference from Linux Mint is its user interface and ease of interactivity. Like typical Linux distributions, Linux Mint includes an integrated, pre-installed suite of applications and offers the ability to search, download, and install additional applications through its application package manager utility. We have mentioned below the steps to install Microsoft Teams on Linux Mint 21 LTS Vanessa.
Steps to Install Microsoft Teams on Linux Mint 21 LTS Vanessa
Open the Linux Mint 21 Terminal
Here we are using our Linux Mint command terminal to install MS Teams easily, so go to the app launcher and look for the Terminal app to open it. You can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T.
Install Microsoft Teams using Flatpak
Just like Snap, we have another universal package manager called Flatpak. We can also use it to install Microsoft Teams on Linux Mint 21. However, we also have to install Flatpak on Mint first.
Step 1: Install flatpak
sudo apt install flatpak -y
Step 2: Add flathub repository
sudo flatpak remote-add – if-not-exists flathub
Step 3: Restart your system to properly integrate Flatpak
Step 4: Install Teams:
flatpak install flathub com.github.IsmaelMartinez.teams_for_linux -y
Import MS Teams GPG Key
Step 1: add GPG key on your Linux Mint 21 issued by Microsoft Teams developers to ensure that the packages we get from the Teams repository are from the official source without any changes.
sudo apt install curl -y
curl -fsSL | gpg –dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/ms-teams.gpg > /dev/null
Add Microsoft Teams Repository on Linux Mint 21
Step 1: After adding the GPG key, also add the Microsoft Teams package source repository because it is not available through the default system repository.
echo ‘deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ms-teams.gpg] main stable’ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ms-teams.list
Step 2: After adding the repository, run system update command to ensure that Linux Mint can recognize the newly added repository and its packages.
sudo apt update -y
Install Microsoft Teams Linux Mint 21
Step 1: So so far we’ve been successful to define the source to download MS Teams packages using default APT package manager, now we can easily use it to install the same.
sudo apt installation teams
Step 2: Remove manually added repository because after installation the setup will create one on its own:
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ms-teams.list
Download the Microsoft Teams Deb Binary
Those who don’t want to go through all the steps above can download the latest pre-compiled binary of the application from -/pool/main/t/teams/
Step 1: Open your command terminal and switch to the Downloads folder because everything we get from the browser goes there.
CD Downloads
7. Install the Teams binary
Step 1: As we have the file in Debian binary form, just use the APT package manager to install it using the terminal.
sudo apt install ./teams_*_amd64.deb
update teams
Step 1: Per Apt and Debian binary method:
As we use the repository to install Teams, future app updates can quickly use the terminal and APT package manager. Even installing Teams using Binary will add the repository. Therefore, with the help of the pattern system update and update commandwe can update Teams.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Step 2: Per Photograph method
sudo snap update teams
Step 3: Per flatpak:
flatpak update
Uninstall or remove
In the future, if you don’t want this app on your Linux system, use the same APT command with the remove option to uninstall Teams.
Step 1: The command will be the same for both APT and Deb binary methods
sudo apt autoremove –purge teams
Step 2: For delete repository and GPG key:
sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teams.listsudo rm /usr/share/keyrings/ms-teams.gpg
Step 3: For the Photograph method:
sudo snap remove teams
Step 4: For the flatpak method:
flatpak remove –delete-data com.github.IsmaelMartinez.teams_for_linux -yflatpak remove –unused
Final Words
We hope you like our article on how to install Microsoft Teams on Linux Mint 21 LTS Vanessa. Microsoft Teams incorporates chat, meetings, meeting notes and attachments and is fully integrated with Microsoft 365, allowing multiple companies to easily interact from any location. As it includes all necessary features including shared files, calendars and emails, it is a complete solution. All Microsoft tools, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Skype for Business, are available on one platform. Microsoft Teams also comes with several other programs, including Microsoft Graph, OneNote, Planner, Power BI, and Microsoft SharePoint.