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This tip is about the how to install Podman on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. So read this free guide, How to install Podman on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to install Podman on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS – Guide
As you know, Kubernetes has officially dropped support for Docker, which means that anyone working with Kubernetes may need to change runtime environments. One such environment called Podman is almost an immediate replacement for Docker. Podman is installed by default on RHEL-based server distributions and can be installed from the default Ubuntu repositories. However, installing Podman on Ubuntu requires some extra steps. The only things you need for this to work is a running instance of Ubuntu Server 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) and a user with sudo privileges. That’s it. Let’s do some container magic.
Support for multiple container image formats, including OCI and Docker images. Complete management of these images, including fetching from multiple sources (including trust and verification), creation (created via container file or Docker file or commit from a container), and pushing to registries and other storage backends.
Complete container lifecycle management, including creation (from an image and an exploded root filesystem), execution, verification and recovery (via CRIU), and removal. Support for pods, groups of containers that share resources and are managed together.
How to install Podman on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
The other Ubuntu 22.04 LTS based Linux systems like POP_OS can also use the steps and commands below to use this container tool.
Use apt update
The first task to perform on your system is to run the update command. This will not only install the latest security updates available, but also rebuild the repository cache.
Install Podman on Ubuntu 22.04
On Ubuntu 20.10 or newer, packages for installing Podman are included for download in the default system repository. So even on Ubuntu 22.04 we can install Podman without adding any 3rd party repositories. Just follow the given APT command:
check version
Once the installation is complete to check the version of Podman installed, we can use:
Set Podman log conf
By default, there will be no repository to fetch and install container images by Podman, so we need to do this manually so that we can use popular repositories like, Redhat, and Fedora.
scroll to the final from the file and paste the line provided:
After that save the file by pressing Ctrl + O, press the Enter key and exit using Ctrl + X. For complete information about Podman you can use:
Search and extract images in Ubuntu 22.04
Like Docker, we can use the Podman command line to search for images, but from different repositories, added in the previous step. For example, if we want to install an Ubuntu container using Podman, you can search which images are available in the different repositories.
Now, to download and extract images, we can use:
Final note
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