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This tip is about the how To Make The Most Out of Windows 11. So read this free guide, How To Make The Most Out of Windows 11 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Make The Most Out of Windows 11 – Guide
Windows 11 was formally introduced by Microsoft. Take a look at the latest operating system’s new productivity features! On June 24, a Microsoft event officially verified what many had been wondering for weeks. Windows will be updated in the near future. Several new ones features have been added to the latest edition. Snap layout, snap groups, enhanced snap experience and more are included! Here are some of the most innovative features on Windows 11 that will help you be more effective and productive.
Advanced Windows users will be familiar with FancyZones. Using PowerToys, you can tailor your programs to specific sections of the screen. If you are used to working with ultra wide or large screens, this is ideal for you.
With Windows 11, you won’t need PowerToys to do this. Windows 11 will provide layout options based on screen size as soon as you hover over the restore icon. You can organize all your apps in the way that works best for you with just a few clicks. You no longer need to do this manually with every program open, saving time and effort.
Best of all, Windows will remember Layout Snap and group them together. More on that below.
2. Snap Groups
With Snap Layout, you can organize your Windows exactly the way you want. When you open a new program, it messes up the layout of your current application. This means you will lose your arrangement and will have to select the apps you are using again.
With Windows 11, you don’t have to worry about that. If you click on an application grouped in a Layout Snap on the taskbar, you will see all the other programs that are part of that group. For example, let’s say you have Chrome, Microsoft Word, and Slack open in a Layout Snap on screen. In previous versions of Windows, to go back to the three apps you were using after opening another app, you had to find and click all of them in the taskbar.
But with Windows 11, just open any of the apps in Group Snap and all other linked windows will return to their places in the layout.
3. Easy undocking
Many use an external monitor on their laptop and another mobile devices. But when you disconnect the PC from the screen with the applications open, Windows tries to fit them all to yours. laptop monitor.
This results in a cluttered desktop, with your programs open all over the rest of the screen. But with Windows 11, when you undock your computer, it minimizes all applications from the external monitor to the taskbar. And when you dock your device to the screen again, it will restore the Snap Group you had previously. So even if you take your laptop with you, all the apps you’re working on will be on the outer screen when you return.
4. Integration with Microsoft Teams
Windows 11 integrates a messaging and collaboration application through Microsoft Teams. Now it lets you send messages and make video calls right from your desktop.
While it’s not as popular as other services like Zoom and Messenger, it’s a new and convenient one. feature. Now you can communicate directly from your desktop with anyone, as long as you have a Teams account. It helps that Microsoft Teams is also available on iOS and Android, so it has the potential to reach more people. However, only time will tell if this feature catches with the rest of the population.
5. Windows widgets
First introduced in Vista, Windows Widgets lets you have handy applets on your desktop. It was eventually removed from Windows when we discovered security vulnerabilities.
But with Android and iOS now having widgets, it’s good that Microsoft brought them back in Windows 11. Windows Widgets let you get a snapshot of your schedule, to-do list, email, and more. You can also view relevant news, content and more right from your desktop.
Final note
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