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This tip is about the how to make Windows 11 Taskbar look like Mac Dock. So read this free guide, How to make Windows 11 Taskbar look like Mac Dock step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to make Windows 11 Taskbar look like Mac Dock – Guide
While Windows 11 has been available on Insiders Preview for some time, the first stable build was recently made available to everyone. Well, the operating system in general has a lot of bugs to fix, but they aren’t big problems and won’t get in the way of your day-to-day activities. One thing that got everyone excited about the new Windows 11 is the ability to move the taskbar icons to the center. The general opinion on this goes both ways, some people really like it, while others don’t like it so much. Fortunately, those who don’t appreciate centered symbols can always go back to left-aligned symbols.
As it turns out, Windows 11 has given itself a more macOS look with the icons in the middle. While it’s not quite the same for obvious reasons, it’s not far off either. Because of this, users can now change their taskbar to look like the macOS Dock. Now, there were ways to make the Windows 10 taskbar look like the macOS Dock, too, but that took more effort than now. As it turns out, there are several ways to achieve this in Windows 11 as well. However, we show you the easiest way to do this. Plus, its features aren’t wasted in the background either, so you can really enjoy the full macOS feel without giving away too much in the features department.
How to turn a windows 11 taskbar into a dock
Users dissatisfied with the new taskbar and start menu layout in Windows 11 can change it to a mac OS as a dock via a simple, free tool – TaskbarXI. It focuses on customizing the taskbar by shrinking it to a compact dock, similar to what you see on macOS.
How do I make the Windows taskbar look like the Mac Dock?
Scroll down to the Assets heading and click on the TaskbarXI.exe file to download the application. If you receive a warning that downloading the file could be dangerous, ignore the warning. Now run the program and the taskbar will be converted to a dock!
Features of Taskbar XI in a nutshell
Final note
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