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This tip is about the how to Prevent Ransomware by using Microsoft Tamper Protection. So read this free guide, How to Prevent Ransomware by using Microsoft Tamper Protection step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Prevent Ransomware by using Microsoft Tamper Protection – Guide
Microsoft asked users to enable Tamper Protection feature Defender for Endpoint to protect themselves from ransomware campaigns when the final version of your basic security settings for Windows 11 has been released. Microsoft helps companies swim in the ocean of security-related settings and changeable parameters by providing guidance in the form of security baselines.
The software giant urged its users to enable tamper protection feature to prevent threat agents from bypassing the security of the facility features.
How Tamper Protection Helps
The first thing most threat agents do during cyber attacks is to disable their security features to get easier access to your data so they can install malware, carry out ransomware attacks or otherwise exploit your data and devices. Hackers can also enter your system through third-party software, especially when you are installing a new operating system or software.
This is where tamper protection comes into play, as it stops criminals in your path. Tamper Protection blocks Microsoft Defender’s default settings and ensures that they are not changed during the installation process. These settings include:
How to Enable Tamper Protection in Windows Defender
Now that you know the reasons and benefits of having Tamper Protection turned on, let’s learn how to enable it in Windows Defender.
Here it is how to enable tamper protection:
How to Stay protected from ransomware
The best defense against Ransomware is to mitigate it before it hits, as it is more resistant to system reboots and hard drive swaps. Tamper Protection doesn’t just prevent threat actors from disabling threat protection features like your antivirus, but it also helps generate responses to breach attempts.
Final note
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