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This tip is about the how to Upgrade RHEL 8.3 to RHEL 8.4. So read this free guide, How to Upgrade RHEL 8.3 to RHEL 8.4 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Upgrade RHEL 8.3 to RHEL 8.4 – Guide
For Linux users, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4 (also known as RHEL) is now available. For developers, designers and production teams, RHEL 8.4 includes a number of improvements and enhancements. As a result, you can now get the latest version from Red Hat’s official website.
However, before downloading RHEL 8.4, you might want to check out all the new ones. features that this model has to offer. This post will explain this before walking you through the upgrade process with the dnf command line option.
From development to deployment, RHEL 8.4 provides a comprehensive roadmap. It allows teams to work together on a single open platform that provides the tools and analytics needed to design and manage these systems. RHEL 8.4 includes most up-to-date upTools, improved container features and programming languages, allowing developers to get any task done faster with a new set of code.
Redis 6, Python 3.9, MariaDB 10.5, PostgreSQL 13, LLVM / Clang, GCC 10, Go 1.15 and Rust 1.49 are among the new software improvements in RHEL 8.4.
RHEL now supports Intel Tiger Lake GPUs when it comes to hardware support. Intel Xe and Intel UHD graphics are included on these GPUs.
How to Upgrade RHEL 8.3 to RHEL 8.4
Before starting the significant RHEL version upgrade, keep RHEL 8.x backups checked.
First, log in as root user by typing:
ssh ec2-user @ rhel-8-ec2-box
Then look at the current kernel with the help of the following commands.
$ uname -a $ uname -r $ cat / etc / os-release
You can use Ansible to update or update RHEL running on Google Cloud or AWS. Another way is to use updated images to get rid of previous instances. Now let’s follow the commands given below in a step by step guide to update RHEL 8.3.
#1: Make backups
Always make a backup before updating your current distribution, otherwise you will lose all your data and important files saved on your computer. And you should use bash or any modern shell when performing the actions provided in this article.
#2: Check for Updates
To check for updates, type the following command.
$ sudo dnf check-update
#3: Upgrading RHEL 8.3 to 8.4
To apply or install updates, enter the following Linux command.
$ sudo dnf upgrade -y
#4: Reset RHEL 8.3 Box
To reboot the Linux system, type the following set of reboot or shutdown commands into the terminal.
$ sudo reboot
## OR ##
$ sudo shutdown -r now
After completing the RHEL 8.4 upgrade process, verify the upgrade using the following commands:
$ uname -a $ uname -r $ cat / etc / os-release $ tail -f / var / log / logfilenames $ dmesg | grep -i ‘err | warn | cri’ $ss -tulpn
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Upgrade RHEL 8.3 to RHEL 8.4. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.