Today, in this article, we show you how to use Apple Safari on Linux. One of the most used and secure browsers, Safari is made to let you browse the internet with the highest level of privacy protection. For Linux, this browser has not yet been formally released. While Safari has not yet been made available for the Linux OS, we feel that both the Linux OS and macOS have a long history with UNIX. The good news is that there is a guide which can help you use Safari on your Linux computer if you are a Linux user or web developer who wants Safari browser support.
Macintosh and Windows operating systems, as well as the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad all support Apple Safari as their default browser. Based on the idea that the best browser is one that “gets out of your way and lets you just enjoy the web”, Safari was created. The WebKit engine, which is at the heart of Apple’s Safari browser, handles tasks such as displaying visuals, rendering fonts, running Javascript, and choosing the page layout.
Future iterations of Safari are anticipated to use Apple’s WebKit2 engine. This engine has a split process architecture that is integrated directly into the framework, allowing web browser processes to run as separate processes in the operating system for greater stability and security. There are basically two distinct methods to install Safari on Linux. Use PlayOnLinux, which provides a graphical user interface (UI) for WINE, or WINE (the compatibility layer, not the drink). Below are the steps to run Apple Safari on Linux.
Steps to Run Apple Safari on Linux
To start using Apple Safari on Linux, launch a terminal window. When hitting the keys Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard, you can launch a terminal window on the Linux desktop. Alternatively, look under “Terminal” in the application menu. To use Apple Safari on your Linux computer, follow the step-by-step instructions below with the terminal window open and ready to use.
Step 1: First, use the wget download command to download Windows Safari 5 installer EXE to your Linux PC. This installer EXE makes it possible to install Safari under Wine on Linux.
Step 2: After downloading the software to your computer, use the wine command to start up the installation wizard.
wine SafariSetup.exe
Step 3: As Safari.exe Setup Wizard open, you will see “Welcome to the Safari installer”. Read the summary that the wizard shows. When you finish reading it, find the “Next” button and click on it with the mouse.
Step 4: By selecting the “Next” button, you will see the Apple Safari License Agreement. Select the “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and select the option “Next” button to continue to the next page in the installer.
Step 5: following the license agreement, you will see several checked boxes. If you want Safari to be the default browser on Linux, leave the boxes checked. Otherwise, uncheck everything.
Step 6: On the next page, you will need to tell the Safari Assistant where to install the software. Leave it as the default or, if you are an expert, look for a place to install it. Then finish the installation.
Final Words
We hope you like our article about how to run Apple Safari on Linux. Software and applications developed by Apple are known to work well with Apple hardware. Safari is the same way. The appropriate operating systems and hardware requirements were taken into account when the company created this web browser. Automatically works fine on Mac computers, iPhones and iPads.