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This tip is about the how to Use Microsoft Defender for Windows 11/10. So read this free guide, How to Use Microsoft Defender for Windows 11/10 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Use Microsoft Defender for Windows 11/10 – Guide
Microsoft Defender Antivirus is an integrated malware scanner for Microsoft Windows 10. As part of the Windows security package, it looks for files or programs on your computer that could harm your computer. Defender looks for software threats such as viruses and other malware in email, applications, the cloud and the web.
A malware scan is only as effective as its last definition update, which means it may be incapable and not aware of new forms of malware to detect if not updated regularly. Microsoft Defender Antivirus is updated when there is an update to Microsoft Windows 10, which is why automatic updates should be turned on.
How to Use Microsoft Defender Offline Scan for Windows 10
You can start an offline scan in Windows 10 with just a few clicks, but the entire scan takes about 15 minutes to complete. Make sure to save all your unsaved work and important files before starting the offline scan.
Launch Microsoft Defender offline scan using Windows security
The first way to run Microsoft Defender Offline Scan is quite simple:
Windows 10 will restart and the offline malware scan will start during the boot process. The Windows Defender Antivirus screen and a Command Prompt window will display the offline scan progress.
Launch Microsoft Defender offline scanning using PowerShell
PowerShell is a cross-platform management framework integrated into the Windows operating system. You can easily manage Microsoft Defender with PowerShell and even run an offline scan with just a single command. Here it is how to use PowerShell to perform an offline Microsoft Defender scan:
Start -MpWDOScan
Your computer will restart and the offline scan will take place.
Scan results
Once Microsoft Defender completes the offline scan, you can view the scan results by navigating to Windows security > Virus and thread protection > Protection history.
How to Use an offline malware scan on Windows 7/8.1
In Windows 7 and Windows 8.1, the process of running an offline scan is quite different. First, you need to download Windows Defender offline, create a bootable USB or CD / DVD and then launch the Windows Defender tool on your PC. Windows Defender Offline then scans the PC for malware in a clean environment. Run offline malware scan on Windows 7/8.1 as follows:
Remove Malware with Microsoft Defender Offline
Final note
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