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This tip is about the how to Use thePeople Feature in Windows 10 PC. So read this free guide, How to Use thePeople Feature in Windows 10 PC step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Use thePeople Feature in Windows 10 PC – Guide
Featured features are available in the Windows 10 May 2020 Update or newer. If you are using an older version of Windows 10, you may not have access to all features. Check your Windows 10 build and, if necessary, get the latest Windows 10 update available. The Windows 10 People app is Microsoft’s latest attempt to create an address book for all your contacts. The idea is that once you’ve imported all the contacts from your email addresses, you can see them sorted alphabetically in the Contacts app and get in touch more easily. Unfortunately, the feature is not exactly easy to use, so we created this tutorial to illustrate how to use the Contacts app in Windows 10.
How to to define up My people
Finding “My People”
using my people
Getting started with My People can be confusing at first, but you’ll get used to it quickly! You can open My People by clicking the icon on the taskbar. When you click on this icon for the first time, the contact list is quite sparse. This is because we have not yet given My People permission to upload our contacts. To do this, first go to the “Applications” category if you are not already there. You will find three options for importing contacts. People, Skype and Email. You will find that the top social media sites like Facebook and Twitter lack options. This is because My Contacts works with Microsoft contacts, so only contacts controlled by Microsoft can be imported and services used. (And yes, Skype is part of Microsoft!)
Choose which service you want to import someone from. Windows searches your contacts for people to add. Once that’s done, you can pin your favorite contacts to the taskbar for easy access. You can do this by going to the People tab and clicking on the contacts that Windows has selected for you. If Windows didn’t find someone you want to add, click Find and Pin Contacts for a more detailed list. If you click on a name, you will notice that the person now appears in the system tray. you can fix up to three contacts for the bar in this way. If you try to pin more, they will appear in the My People window.
using a contact
Now that you have contacts pinned to your taskbar, you can use My Contacts to chat with them anytime. To do this, just click on the icon of the person you want to talk to. that will bring up a small window where you can talk to that contact. Your communication methods depend on the details that Windows knows about this contact.
For example, if they know their email address, you can email them and view previous emails with them. If Windows knows that the two of you are connected via Skype, you can also chat with each other via Skype here. My People remembers if you last used email or Skype. So when you reopen the dialog, you can jump right back into the conversation.
unpinning a contact
If you want to remove someone from your taskbar (maybe they are a little too annoying!) this can be done by simply right-clicking on the taskbar icon and clicking “Unpin from taskbar”.
pinning people
Windows 10’s My People was one of the least celebrated features implemented in the fall update, but it still has its uses! Now you know how to import contacts, add them to the taskbar and chat with them via email or Skype.
Final note
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