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This tip is about the how to Zip/Unzip Files on Windows 10. So read this free guide, How to Zip/Unzip Files on Windows 10 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Zip/Unzip Files on Windows 10 – Guide
You’ve probably heard the term “zip” before. It is one of the most popular file formats that you can use to compress files to save hard disk space or to facilitate sending over the Internet. Many third-party software can handle Zip compression these days, but if you’re running Windows 10, you don’t need to install any additional software as the operating system natively supports Zip. Typically, you use Zip to archive files that you rarely use, or to email documents and images. Zip is also widely used to compress files and make them available for download from websites or through FTP servers.
How to zip files in Windows 10
How to unzip files in Windows 10
There are two ways to unzip files, depending on whether you want to extract the entire contents of the ZIP file or just a specific file.
Unzipping the entire file with ‘Extract All’
Decompressing specific files with drag and drop
The files can now be used normally. You can delete the ZIP file if there is nothing else you want.
Final note
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