Table of Contents
Today, in this article, we show how to install Neptune Linux on the desktop. Neptune is a desktop-based GNU/Linux distribution. Except for a new kernel and a few drivers, it is entirely based on Debian Stable (‘Buster’). Includes the latest generation KDE Plasma Desktop. The main focus is on a well-designed multimedia system that allows you to complete tasks.
Plus, it’s incredibly flexible and compatible with USB sticks. We’ve developed simple to use programs like USB Installer and a persistent creator that lets you save system changes to your live USB stick. The primary source for new software and updates is the Debian repository. We may update our own programs using the software repository provided with Neptune.
Neptune makes an effort to communicate BeOS’ message to the next generation that a multimedia operating system is fully supported. Neptune is committed to providing a seamless, easy-to-use experience. We provide a clean and sophisticated overall aesthetic, as well as a variety of multimedia tools, including codecs and flash player. We have mentioned below the steps to install Neptune Linux on PC.
Steps to Install Neptune Linux on PC
Create a bootable flash drive
Step 1: enter the usb flash drive on your computer.
Step 2: double click on balenaEtcher download the file to run the application. Press Flash from file to select the Downloaded Neptune ISO file in your computer.
Step 3: Press select destination and choose the correct USB flash drive from the list.
Step 4: Press snapshot! to start writing Neptune Linux to USB flash drive.
Step 5: After a few minutes, the usb flash drive will be ready for initializing on Neptune Linux.
Installing Neptune Linux
Step 1: enter the usb flash drive on your computer.
Step 2: While the system would restart and boot press F9 (or Del or F10 or F12 or Esc) to display boot menu. The key may be different on different brands and models, please try other keys according to your machine brand and model.
Step 3: In the boot menu, select flash drive as boot device and press Enter. It may be on a different serial number on different systems. Wait for the system to boot from the flash drive.
Step 4: Here is the first screen you should see when booting your system using this ISO. select Neptune live (English)
Step 5: Let’s boot into the live desktop once done, click on Install Neptune option.
Step 6: choose what Tongue do you want. click next.
Step 7: Using the on-screen map, click on the region you live. This map is used to calculate your time zone so that when Neptune is set up, the PC clock will be accurate. After selecting your time zone, click Forward to continue.
Step 8: The Neptune installer will prompt you to configure your keyboard model. Consult the list for choose your model or go with what the installer has detected. Click Next when finished.
Step 9: In the next step specify how you want disk partitioning to be performed, Erase Disk will erase your current disk and reinstall new operating system in it you can use manual partitioning option to perform any custom partitioning if you like.
Step 10: specify the root password for this new installation and also specify a superuser account to manage your system.
Step 11: Before you start installationyou can verify that the information provided above is correct and click install to start the installation.
Step 12: Installing the Neptune OS is in progress now.
Step 13: When the process is complete, click Done to restart your PC.
Step 14: To remove the USB flash drive and press Enter.
Step 15: At the Grub window hit enter.
Step 16: log in for your new Neptune Linux system.
Final Words
We hope you like our article on how to install Neptune Linux on the computer. A desktop Linux distribution called Neptune is based on Debian Stable. It uses the KDE Plasma 5 desktop environment and seeks to provide users with a sophisticated and useful multimedia operating system. The development goal of this distribution is to provide a stable, general-purpose, visually appealing, and multimedia-ready Linux operating system. It is based on the Debian stable release and includes the latest versions of many widely used software programs and device drivers.