Table of Contents
Today, in this article, we show How to Install RabbitMQ Server on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. The Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), the Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol, the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport and other protocols are implemented by RabbitMQ, an open source message broker program, via Plugins.
Message publishers (applications that publish messages) send messages to message brokers, which then route those messages to consumers (applications that process them). A messaging protocol called AMQP allows compliant client applications and compliant messaging middleware brokers to exchange messages.
Large organizations in various industries typically use RabbitMQ; examples of organizations that have done this include Zalando, Boomerang, WeWork, WunderList, and many others. To bundle client message requests, RabbitMQ server is created using “Open telecom platform framework” and Erlang programming language. The “Mozilla public license” governs the distribution of RabbitMQ executable source codes. We have mentioned below the steps to install RabbitMQ Server on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
Steps to Install RabbitMQ Server on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Install the RabbitMQ server
Step 1: install all required packages.
$ sudo apt-get install wget apt-transport-https -y
Step 2: Install RabbitMQ repository signing key.
$ wget -O- | sudo apt-key add –
Step 3: add RabbitMQ repository.
$ echo “deb focal erlang-22.x” | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rab
Step 4: Install RabbitMQ Server.
$ sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server -y –fix-missing
Step 5: Check the status of RabbitMQ Service.
$ sudo systemctl status rabbitmq-server
Activate the RabbitMQ management panel
Step 1: the management panel allows interaction with the processes and control activities on the server.
$ sudo rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management
Step 2: The default guest user can only login via localhost. I create an administrator account to access the dashboard. Be sure to modify the Secure password to your own password.
$ sudo rabbitmqctl add_user admin SecurePassword$ sudo rabbitmqctl set_user_tags admin administrator
Step 3: Later enabling the plugins to the web management portal, you can go to your browser and access the page by http://your_IP:15672. Example:
Step 4: login with administrator With your user name it’s yours Secure password as your password. make sure you modify SecurePassword for your own password.
Final Words
We hope you like our article about how to Install RabbitMQ Server on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. For a variety of services, including web applications, API applications, and others, RabbitMQ serves as a middleware. By using resources from external sources, they can also be used to decrease data load and web application delivery times. The software in RabbitMQ creates queues between message producers and consumers where messages are held momentarily. The asynchronous exchange of messages takes place between the sender and the recipient.