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This tip is about the how to Fix ‘Cortana Keeps Popping up’ Issue on Windows 10. So read this free guide, How to Fix ‘Cortana Keeps Popping up’ Issue on Windows 10. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Fix ‘Cortana Keeps Popping up’ Issue on Windows 10 – Guide
Microsoft does as usual! preface one of the most fantastic features in Windows 10-Cortana, Microsoft tackled by bringing this remarkable and progressive change, making work efficient and effective, both on the desktop and on the tablet. No less than a robotic assistant, it is primarily designed to benefit any individual in everyday tasks. It is designed to help you see nearby places, maintain and regulate calendar events, or even have a normal conversation.
Without a doubt, Cortana is one of the coolest features introduced by Microsoft in Windows 10. But if it starts to show up very often this can become irritating as you have to constantly switch it off and this can consume a lot of your time. So, in this article, we’ll try to fix that Cortana keeps popping up. up problems with the help of some easy steps.
Turn off Trackpad gestures that are triggered up the cutane
You can stop Cortana from bursting up on Windows 10 by disabling trackpad gestures.
Let’s see how this is done.
Install older touchpad driver
Try installing an older driver like in the case we did for the spacebar issue not working.
It’s simple and you can do it in Device Manager.
Keep reading.
Disable active / active word detection Hey Cortana
Turn off Taskbar Tidbits in search settings
Still, if the search box keeps popping up up on Windows 7 or Windows 8 or 10, there may be a problem with the settings.
We need to manipulate the settings on your lock screen:
Check your keyboard – Incase
Normally, sometimes a certain keyboard key gets stuck.
It could probably be due to a stuck F5 key.
If so, this may activate certain shortcuts and therefore popping Cortana.
Make sure no keys are stuck.
If not, you can try a different keyboard and see if the problem persists.
This may not be the only reason, however, it is an unlikely cause that hey Cortana could activate.
Try using a USB mouse
If Cortana keeps popping up in task manager, there may be a sensitivity issue with the touch pad.
We advise you to try using a USB mouse with your laptop.
If that helps you with the problem, then you’re sure to be performing gestures on your touch pad.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Fix ‘Cortana Keeps Popping up’ Issue on Windows 10. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.