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If your iPhone displays “iPhone unavailable”, it is locked and cannot be accessed for security reasons. If there are multiple consecutive failed password attempts on the lock screen, this will happen frequently. this security feature was created by Apple to protect against hackers accessing an iPhone.
It’s important to note that this can occasionally occur, even without purposely entering the wrong password repeatedly. Some iPhones, it has been reported, display iPhone Unavailable immediately after a charge, restart or update. The most likely explanation in these situations is that the iPhone tries to unlock itself with random passwords without your knowledge. If the iPhone has a software bug or a screen issue, this can happen. We mention ways below to Fix iPhone Unavailable Screen
via icloud
iPhone password reset
Final Words
We hope you enjoy our article on how to Fix iPhone screen unavailable. After many unsuccessful password attempts, the blank “iPhone unavailable” screen appears. It is designed to defend against brute force attacks, where a potential attacker tries as many passwords as possible to force entry into your iPhone.