Table of Contents
This tip is about the how to install Linux on Windows PC. So read this free guide, How to install Linux on Windows PC. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to install Linux on Windows PC – Guide
According to the federal government’s Digital Analytics Program (DAP) October 2020 count, 3.2% of computer users are still using Windows 7 – although Microsoft no longer supports it for free. If you have an older system and you’re worried that it won’t be compatible with Windows 10 – or if you just don’t want to work with Windows anymore – I have a suggestion: switch to Linux for the desktop. Desktop Linux can run on your Windows 7 (and older) laptops and desktops. Machines that bend and break under the load of Windows 10 run like clockwork. And today’s Linux desktop distributions are as easy to use as Windows or macOS.
And if you’re worried about running Windows apps, don’t worry. For example, you can run Office Online free with limited versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint on Linux. Teams now also works on Linux. Skype has been available on Linux for a long time. And Microsoft is exporting its new Edge browser to Linux. The full Office 365 suite will soon be available for Linux – it’s just a matter of time. For every other desktop program, there is usually a free open source program that can do such a good job. Gimp, for example, instead of Photoshop. Or Thunderbird for email instead of Outlook. For a complete office suite, I highly recommend LibreOffice.
How to Install Linux on Windows
How to Make a bootable USB from Linux
How to Install Linux from USB
Final note
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