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This tip is about the how To Protect Android Devices From ‘Judy’ Malware!. So read this free guide, How To Protect Android Devices From ‘Judy’ Malware!. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How To Protect Android Devices From ‘Judy’ Malware! – Guide
The latest infected Judy malware up to 36.4 million user devices. Check Point found over 41 apps on the Google Play Store that were spreading Android malware. Most people face a lot of problems due to Judy Malware and then want to know how to check and secure your android device.
Judy Malware is auto-click adware that is used to earn money for its developer by clicking online ads. This malware was developed by the Korean company Kiniwini trading under the name ENITUDIO Corp. It is registered. This app spreads quickly when you try to download any infected app from Google Play Store. Checkpoint’s research identified 41 apps infected with this app. If you have one of these on your device, remove it immediately. To keep your device safe, you need to know how to increase the security of android smartphone.
How to protect Android devices from ‘Judy’ malware!
Well, a few days ago we saw how the security company Check Point detected “Judy”, a malware present on Google Play, the official store of Google Apps.
Judy is an adware generator that was present in 41 applications developed by the Korean company Kiniwini. This adware uses infected devices to generate large amounts of deceptive clicks on ads, which convert into revenue for its creators. Malicious programs reach between 4.5 and 18.5 million downloads.
Here we will share some methods to protect yourself from Judy Malware.
keep your software Up up to the present date
This is the first thing you need to do. Updated software gives you the best chance of staying safe, as software updates add a new layer of security and improve performance.
Installing a security application
Well, everyone has antivirus or antimalware software on their computer. You should also apply the same to your mobile devices. Choose a good antivirus app for your phone.
Avoid rogue app stores
Even the Google Play store seems vulnerable to the Judy malware. So make sure not to download apps from unauthorized or illegitimate app stores. Google checks submitted products and blocks software that appears to be malicious. Despite this, the malware escapes through the cracks.
Checking app permissions
Be sure to read the privacy and policy before installing or downloading any apps. Make sure you are not giving enough permissions to compromise your Android device.
You can even use a VPN to browse and try to download apps using a secure wireless network. Make sure not to view or share confidential information when connected to public Wi-Fi.
This is the list of malicious applications developed by Kiniwini. Google has removed the apps from its store. However, if you still have any of the apps on your phone delete immediately.
How to protect your Android devices from ‘Judy’ malware!
Final note
I hope you like the guide How To Protect Android Devices From ‘Judy’ Malware!. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.