Bixby personal assistant, which is somewhat similar to Google Assistant, has its own button on the Samsung Galaxy S10. O button can be changed to perform different functions, which is wonderful news. By default, the remap Bixby Key on Samsung Galaxy phone???????? O button it can be remapped to open a new program, or you can press it twice to assign a quick action.
If you like, you can force Bixby to require a double tap while allowing the app of your choice to open with a single tap. You can’t completely get rid of Bixby anyway.
Other assistant applications are prohibited from being used through the button by Samsung. Along with Google Assistant, this also includes Amazon Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortana. By using a Tasker script and exporting it as an APK, we were able to get around this. Just install the app, choose it in the settings and choose Google at the button press button is all that is needed, accordingly.
In addition to Google Assistant, this app also supports it. The Cortana app can also be launched, but Amazon Alexa is not supported. Theoretically, using this technique, any program that supports responding to voice instructions can be remapped to the button????????
Steps to Remap Bixby Key on Samsung Galaxy phone
Step 1: drive to Settings > Advanced Features > Bixby key???????? We recommend choosing Double Press to Open Bixby, which means you only need to tap the button once to launch another application.
Step 2: Tap Use Single Press, then tap the gear icon next to Open Application????????
Step 3: Look for the app you want to launch, it might even be the one camera and select it. That’s it! You have successfully remapped the bixby button????????
Final Words
So here we conclude our article on How to remap Bixby Key on Samsung Galaxy phone???????? Bixby, Samsung’s voice assistant that comes pre-installed on the Galaxy S20, might be a name you know. Even though Bixby is an essential component of the software, not all Samsung consumers want it on their phones. phones???????? Bixby can be hit frequently and accidentally. Thanks to Samsung, all instances can be turned off so they don’t annoy you.