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This tip is about the how to Rotate Text in Microsoft PowerPoint. So read this free guide, How to Rotate Text in Microsoft PowerPoint. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Rotate Text in Microsoft PowerPoint – Guide
If you use PowerPoint regularly to create presentations, at some point you will need to rotate the text in PowerPoint. What’s really interesting is that the option to rotate the text doesn’t seem to be very popular. In this article we will understand the nuances of how to rotate text in PowerPoint. I will also share with you the steps to follow if you want to warp the text or rotate it in a 45 degree tilt position! Rotating text manually is good when you have an idea of where the text should go without requiring the text to be an exact degree. However, in some cases it may be necessary for the text to have a certain degree, in which case you can specify the number.
Since using PowerPoint comes so often and is super dynamic, learn a trick or two about Microsoft PowerPoint and its tools. Before we start, we want to update you with the fact that you can rotate text in Microsoft PowerPoint. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can rotate your text by typing a specific degree or even freehand. You can use rotation button, use the rotation handle or use the format options to precisely rotate the text box. You can also use the “Flip” option, which I will describe in the following sections.
Using the “Rotate” option
To use the “Rotate” option you must select the text box of the text you want to rotate and follow the steps below.
Select the “Organize” option
The first step is to select the “Organize” option, located in the “Design” section of the “Design” section.Home” tab. A drop-down menu will appear on the screen.
Select your preferred rotation
In this step, all you need to do is select your preferred rotation style from the 4 styles provided under the “Rotate” option in the drop-down menu.
Using the Rotation Handle
You can also use the Rotate handle to rotate text in your PowerPoint presentation. To do this, select the text box and you will see a circular arrow pointing to the right, located above the middle part of the text box. Just click and hold the rotation handle, rotate the text to your preferred angle and release the cursor and the text will be rotated accordingly.
Using the “Format Shape” option
To use the “Format Shape” option to rotate your text, select the text box and follow the simple steps outlined below.
Select the “Format Shape” option
First, you need to “right-click” the text box to open a drop-down menu. In this drop-down menu, select the “Format Shape” option. A sidebar will appear on the right of the screen.
Enter the angle in the “Rotation Input” box
After opening the “Format Shape” sidebar, go to the “Size and Properties” tab. Here you will find the “Rotation Input” box, which is the 3rd box on the tab.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Rotate Text in Microsoft PowerPoint. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.