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This tip is about the how to set a picture as desktop background on Windows 10. So read this free guide, How to set a picture as desktop background on Windows 10. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to set a picture as desktop background on Windows 10 – Guide
Some users may not yet know that Microsoft opts for color wallpapers on their operating systems and therefore they never try to replace the default background. We’ve always chosen something other than the default background, so in this article we’re going to talk about how this is done in Windows 10. If you want to learn how to change desktop wallpaper, read on:
Changing your background is one of the easiest ways to customize your desktop experience in Windows 10. You can use virtually any image, whether it’s the custom wallpaper that came with your PC or the chat memes that came with it. you uploaded to Facebook. Players are attracted to screenshots, while grandparents can have pictures of the whole family. Although you can use any image you download from the internet, we use photos of family and friends taken by our smartphones. You can connect an Android phone or iPhone using a USB cable, but the easiest way would be to use native Windows tools.
The blue Windows 10 wallpaper is beautiful to look at, but it’s more fun to choose the background you want on your laptop. After all, you will end up up staring at a screen all day and not wanting to look at a dark blue logo for hours on end. You should also resize your icons as well as save beautiful Windows 10 lock screen images to get more wallpaper options. For finer customization, try enabling Dark Mode or Light Mode in Windows 10 and consider switching to these beautiful themes.
With that said, here it is how to change the desktop background in Windows 10. That guide show yourself how to set a photo as the Windows desktop background. The methods are easy. We’ll show you how and if you can upload photos of your phone for a Windows 10 PC.
There are many ways to customize the Windows desktop. One of the most popular is changing the background or wallpaper. The following sections show you how to do this on different versions of Windows. To continue, choose your version from the list below and follow the instructions. Wallpaper is the image that appears behind an icon on your computer’s desktop – that’s why it’s commonly called the desktop background. On most computers, you can change the background by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting Customize.
How to change your background in Windows 10
How to change your background in Windows 10 with a shortcut
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to set a picture as desktop background on Windows 10. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.