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Two of the biggest names in operating systems and software have each made their own version of the best to-do list app. Google chose to make a simple, laser-focused app that gave each user as much control as possible. Microsoft, on the other hand, tried to go a step further and add collaboration to the mix.
When you use either company’s app, you quickly see that these two sets of goals aren’t being met in the same way. There are different priorities, different groups of people who seem to be the main focus, and different levels of design cohesion. We’ve already looked at both Google Tasks and Microsoft To Do and talked about their pros and cons.
Microsoft To Do vs Google Keep feature
Microsoft To Do | Google Keep |
You can add a star to a task to mark it as important, but there are no levels of importance or priority like low, medium, or high like in many other apps. | Its competitors have things like multiple notebooks and video notes. |
The app doesn’t have as many ways to keep track of tasks as some of its competitors. | The web app and mobile apps for Google Keep work well and automatically sync. There are a few things that you can’t do with the web app that you can do with the mobile apps. |
Adding tasks is the first thing you should notice. Find the button that says “Add a Task” and click it. Then you can type in any task. | It came out to a lot of praise because it had useful features and was free to use. |
This feature helps people who have a lot of tasks and would have a hard time sorting through them one by one. | One great thing about Google Keep that we noticed is that you can make to-do lists, which help you plan and keep track of your tasks. |
Microsoft To Do vs Google Keep: Microsoft To Do vs Google Tasks

From the title, you already know that we like Microsoft To-Do better than other to-do lists. In this article, we will show you why with examples. Google Tasks is good, but it’s not quite there yet, and it seems like Google doesn’t care much about the app in the big picture.
On the other hand, Microsoft To Do has good genes because it was built on Wunderlist, which was so popular with users that the founder is trying to bring it back from the dead. Let’s learn more about the main differences between the two to-do apps and how they work in real life. You can download this app from its official website.
Microsoft To Do vs Google Keep: Features
The first thing you need is a Microsoft account, which gives you access to all of the company’s services. There are 1.4 billion Windows users in the world, and if you are one of them, you probably have a Microsoft account.
If you don’t have one, it’s easy to make one. When you first open To Do, adding tasks should be the first thing you notice. Find the button that says “Add a Task” and click it. Then you can type in any task.
To use the Keep note-taking app, you need a Google account. Most people who use the internet have a Google account, so this shouldn’t be an issue. If you don’t have one, you can always make a new one that lets you use all Google services. You can use Google Keep on the web or by downloading the app for your phone (iOS or Android).
When you first open the platform, the first thing you should notice is that you can make notes. Find the bar of text that says Take a note, click on it, and type any note you want. You can’t just type text into the app. You can add pictures to your notes, for example.
Microsoft To Do vs Google Keep: SUPPORT

The To Do app lets you work with other people to some extent. You can add people to any task list by sending them an email or giving them a direct link. But they need a Microsoft account in order to use it. We don’t like that To Do doesn’t have a mode where you can just look at your lists. Microsoft said it would connect the To Do app to its other apps, but it hasn’t done much yet.
Right now, the best thing you can do is mark an email in Microsoft Outlook as a task so that it shows up on the To Do app. The app only works with a few third-party services. If you have any problems with the app, the best place to go is the official Google Keep Help Center, which has detailed user guides, how-tos, and answers to frequently asked questions.
This Help Center has answers to most of the problems you’re likely to run into when you use the app. Google usually doesn’t offer direct support for consumer apps like Google Keep. But you can get it as a bonus if you sign up for Google One.
Which one is for you?
Features and ecosystems are what make a big difference. Google Tasks is a good choice if you want a simple app for tasks and use Google products like Gmail, Sheets, and Calendar. To Do is the best choice if you want the most features for tasks, such as collaboration, planned, my day, etc. Also, apps like Outlook and Office work with To Do, which is a plus if you use a lot of Microsoft software.
Google Keep pros and cons
- Fast
- Can extract text from images
- Text character limits
Microsoft To Do pros and cons
- Syncs with Outlook Tasks
- Some solid, basic to-do list features
- Short list of features
What is the difference between Google Keep and MS To Do?
You have the ability to assign a time-based reminder for each individual item in Microsoft To-Do. On the other hand, Google Keep only allows you to make reminders for the entire list rather than for each item individually.
Which is better Microsoft To Do or Google task?
The primary distinction lies in the characteristics of the environment and the features. You should go with Google Tasks if you want a straightforward software for managing tasks or if you already use other Google products like Gmail, Sheets, or Calendar. If you want access to the features of most tasks, such as collaboration, planned, my day, etc., you will need to upgrade.
Why Google Keep is the best?
In general, Google Keep is an excellent choice if all you need is a straightforward programmed with which to swiftly write down thoughts and notes. In addition to being easy on the eyes, it serves the purpose of shopping lists very well.
In addition, if you like to jot down your thoughts verbally instead of writing them down, Google Keep is one of the more advantageous solutions because it is equipped with speech recognition.