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This tip is about the how to Add Recycle Bin Icon to System Tray in Windows 11/10. So read this free guide, How to Add Recycle Bin Icon to System Tray in Windows 11/10 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Add Recycle Bin Icon to System Tray in Windows 11/10 – Guide
All files that you deleted in Windows are saved in Recycle Bin. While the default desktop shortcut is useful, Windows 11 does not allow you to create a Trash Trash icon. There’s no need to worry if this sounds beneficial to you. You can bring the Recycle Bin to your system tray for easy access no matter how many windows you have open by downloading and installing third-party software. Using TrayBin and MiniBin, you can add a Trash icon to the Windows 11 system tray.
How to Add a Trash Trash Icon with TrayBin
TrayBin is a freeware program that you can use on Windows 11/10/8/7. The good thing about TrayBin is that it includes several theme options for the Tray Trash icon. To add a Recycle Bin system tray with this program, you will need to download and extract its ZIP file as follows.
So, now you have a handy Trash icon in your system tray. Hovering over this icon displays a tooltip that tells you how many files it includes. Double-clicking this icon opens a Delete Multiple Items prompt. Click Yes to delete all files from the recycle bin.
You can also open the trash with this icon. To do this, right-click the Recycle Bin icon in the system tray and select the Open Recycle Bin context menu option. Then the recycle bin window will open.
Now you might want to configure TrayBin settings. You can do this by right-clicking the Recycle Bin icon in your system tray and selecting Settings. A TrayBin settings window will open, including additional options.
The most notable setting is the Theme drop-down menu. Click this dropdown menu to choose different systray icon themes for Recycle Bin. You can select from Mushroom, Balloon, Vista, Windows 7, and Circular Recycle Bin icon themes, to name a few.
TrayBin does not start up with Windows 11 by default. If you want it to boot up next to your PC, select the option Automatically start TrayBin when Windows starts. Then click OK to save the newly selected options.
How to Add a New Trash Trash Icon with MiniBin
MiniBin is a program very similar to TrayBin that also adds a Trash icon to the system tray area in the same way. Like TrayBin, it is a freely available application. You can download and install MiniBin like this.
When finished, you should see the MiniBin Trash icon on the taskbar. This icon changes as it fills up to highlight how full the recycle bin is, with customizable icons for empty, full, 25%, 50%, and 75% full.
To customize the MiniBin icon, you will need to manually download an alternative theme for it. You can download different icon packs from MiniBin’s DeviantArt theme repository. You need to register and log in to DeviantArt to download a theme pack.
After downloading the theme, right-click the MiniBin Recycle Bin and select Configure > Change Icons. Choose an icon to change from the submenu. Select an alternative icon from your downloaded theme pack and click the Open button button.
Double-clicking the MiniBin Recycle Bin in the system tray deletes files in the Recycle Bin by default. However, you can change this system tray icon to open the Recycle Bin by double clicking. Right-click the Recycle Bin icon in the system tray and select Icon Double-click Action > Open to do so.
How to Add Recycle Bin to Taskbar
The system tray taskbar overflow menu is the little arrow that you click to view the hidden icons. If MiniBin and TrayBin are not enabled in Settings, their icons will appear in the overflow menu instead of the taskbar corner area of the system tray. You can enable MiniBin and TrayBin icons to show up in the corner of the taskbar as follows.
Final note
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