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This tip is about the how to Add superscript or subscript text in Google Docs or Slides. So read this free guide, How to Add superscript or subscript text in Google Docs or Slides step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Add superscript or subscript text in Google Docs or Slides – Guide
Proper text formatting is an important element in creating an informative and readable document for your readers. Some of these formatting options are easy to find and use in Google Docs, while others can be a little more complicated. One formatting task you might be interested in is subscribing to Google Docs. Google Docs offers many of the formatting options you might need to apply to the content of your document. One of them is called “subscribed”. Text with subscript formatting appears “below” your other text because its centerline is lowered compared to normal text. Google Presentations Google Workspace and Microsoft Powerpoint are the tools to create an attractive presentation for various purposes.
However, when it comes to making presentations for math, you need to add some special numerical elements to create correct math equations and formulas. Two of these elements are subscript and superscript in Google Slides. Superscript text is formatted one line above the regular text, while subscript text is formatted one line below the main number. A subscript can explain the power of a number and a subscript helps define the base of a number. In FIG. 26, for example, 6 is the exponent that denotes the increasing power of the number 2. Just like in Google Slides, you can also be superscript or subscript in Google Docs.
How to Add superscript in Google Slides
To add superscript to a slide:
How to Insert special characters to add superscript or subscript
If you’re looking for something a little more sophisticated to add to your slides or need to insert a certain character, like a Greek symbol, you can use a tool called Insert Special Characters to get the job done. This option allows you to select specific characters that you cannot add in Slides.
How to insert a superscript or subscript in Google Docs using keyboard shortcuts
You can also format selected text as a superscript or subscript with a quick keyboard shortcut, although of course you’ll need to commit this shortcut in memory for it to be useful:
How to insert a superscript or subscript in Google Docs using special characters
You can also enter special characters in Google Docs – this is useful for adding a trademark or copyright symbol,
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Add superscript or subscript text in Google Docs or Slides. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.