Table of Contents
This tip is about the how to configure and install GIMP on AlmaLinux 8 / Rocky Linux 8. So read this free guide, How to configure and install GIMP on AlmaLinux 8 / Rocky Linux 8 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to configure and install GIMP on AlmaLinux 8 / Rocky Linux 8 – Guide
GIMP is one of the leading free and open source image editors available for Linux, Windows, OS X and some other operating systems. The number of features and tools included that can help you get your job done. You can also change the GIMP and can increase its functionality with a wide range of plugins.
Update operating system
Update your Rocky Linux operating system to ensure all existing packages are up To date:
sudo update dnf –refresh -y
O tutorial will be using the sudo command and assuming you have sudo status.
To check the status of sudo on your account:
sudo whoami
Example output showing sudo status:
[joshua@rockylinux ~]$ sudo whoamiroot
To use the root account, use the following command with the root password to login.
Method 1. Install Appstream Git
By default, Git is available in the application’s flow repository and installed using the DNF package manager. To do this, use the following command:
sudo dnf install git
Type “Y,” then press “ENTER KEY” to continue with the installation.
Once installed, check the installation:
git -version
Example output:
git version 2.27.0
Congratulations, you installed Git on Rocky Linux 8 using the dnf manager method.
Method 2. Compile and install Git from source
O tutorial covered the installation of the application flow. However, for those who want the absolute latest version of Git, it is recommended to always install from source code. However, it takes a little longer, but it will always leave you with the latest version available.
As with unstable, you will need to ensure that all security issues are monitored; with the source code, you can quickly recompile any urgent updates, making this the best choice for anyone who needs to use the latest Git.
Before starting the installation from source, use the su command to log in to the root account for this installation.
To get started, install Git dependencies as follows:
sudo dnf install gettext-devel curl-devel expat-devel openssl-devel perl-CPAN perl-devel zlib-devel unzip cmake gcc make -y
Then visit the release page to find the latest master zip file or stable version of Git.
As of this writing, the guide, 3.3.0 is the latest stable release. Use the wget command as below:
Use the wget command to get the latest development version (master):
wget -O
Please note, do not use this version unless it is unstable and possibly contains bugs.
Then unzip the file you downloaded:
sudo unzip
Now you will need to navigate to the directory using the CD command:
cd git-2.33.0
Now you need to run the following make commands to install git:
First command:
sudo make prefix = / usr / local all
Second command:
sudo make prefix = / usr / local install
Now that you’ve installed Git from source, check the installation and compile:
git -version
Example output:
git version 2.33.0
Congratulations, you installed Git on Rocky Linux 8 using the build method.
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to configure and install GIMP on AlmaLinux 8 / Rocky Linux 8. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.