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This tip is about the how to Install Unrar on Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux 8. So read this free guide, How to Install Unrar on Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux 8 step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Install Unrar on Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux 8 – Guide
RAR files are compressed files. If you have downloaded RAR files from the Internet, you must unzip or extract them (Extract RAR Files). RAR is a proprietary file format for data compression and archiving developed by Eugene Roshal. The command used to extract these files is called “unrar”. By default, unrar is not installed on Linux, FreeBSD, or UNIX operating systems.
Packing files into a file and using compression algorithms to reduce the file size is a common operation in computing. Archives and compressed files are fundamentally different. Archives are unzipped containers for files. This file can be compressed using a compression method. However, there are some formats that include compression, such as RAR, gzip, bzip2, 7z, Brotli… Unrar is not available by default in AlmaLinux or RockyLinux because it cannot be installed from the base or APPstream repositories. In this article we will show you how to Install Unrar on AlmaLinux 8.
Prerequisites: A server running one of the following operating systems: AlmaLinux 8, CentOS and Rocky Linux 8, It is recommended to use a fresh installation of the operating system to avoid possible problems, a sudo user without root access or root user access. However, we recommend acting as a sudo non-root user because you can damage your system if you are not careful to act as root.
How to Install Unrar on Rocky Linux or AlmaLinux 8
Final note
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