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This tip is about the how to Connect to FaceTime Call from Android. So read this free guide, How to Connect to FaceTime Call from Android step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Connect to FaceTime Call from Android – Guide
FaceTime has always been a hallmark of Apple’s ecosystem. It was in 2010 when Apple released FaceTime, and there has been no turning back to Apple since. People have loved and used FaceTime intensely over the years, until FaceTime is now used more as a verb than a noun, and it’s a commendable accomplishment for Apple.
When things are starting to calm down, Apple loves to shake things up up. At WWDC 21, Apple first announced the interoperability of FaceTime on platforms other than the Apple ecosystem. In terms of technology, you can chat with your friends and loved ones via FaceTime from any Android, Windows or Linux device. However, so far, non-Apple users can only join calls to which they have been invited by an Apple user; they cannot initiate a FaceTime call.
How Apple’s FaceTime works on Android
It’s no secret that Apple wants to keep its famous apps and services tied to its ecosystem closed. Even if the Cupertino giant introduces its services on other platforms, it never fails to impose heavy limitations – for better or for worse. And the FaceTime project for Android is no different.
Create a FaceTime call link on iPhone, iPad or Mac
As discussed above, your friend who owns an Apple device will first need to create a FaceTime call link and share it with you. So let’s see how this is done!
Join a FaceTime call from your Android device
Once you receive the meeting link on your Android device, you can easily join the FaceTime call. Please note that FaceTime only supports Google Chrome on Android devices. Make sure you open the meeting link in your Chrome browser and follow these steps:
Final note
I hope you like the guide How to Connect to FaceTime Call from Android. In case if you have any query regards this article you may ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.