Virtual tours, such as video tours, 3D virtual tours, and 360-degree interactive virtual tours, allow potential buyers to interact with a home and view features in detail without being on site. To create a virtual home tour, you should first select your equipment and plan your shots before taking your photos. Other details such as setting up the tripod, staging each room, and using virtual tour software are also important to creating a virtual tour.
Many real estate agents avoid creating virtual tours because they balk at the time, effort and expense involved. However, companies like Anteroom remove these obstacles by offering affordable and easy-to-use software, as well as a simple 3D tour kit that allows you to create high-resolution virtual tours right from your smartphone. We have mentioned steps below to Create Real Estate Virtual Tour
Steps to Create Real Estate Virtual Tour
- Choose your equipment: To create a virtual tour, you need a camera and software. For the most realistic images, use a 360-degree camera like the Ricoh Theta V, Ricoh Theta Z1, or Insta360 ONEX. But you can also use a DSLR camera or even your smartphone. You’ll also need software to combine your photos into the final product: a digital 3D experience.
- Plan your shoot: Before the shoot, create a list of all the elements you want to include in your virtual tour. This includes a list of the rooms and areas inside the house, as well as any outdoor features, such as the front yard or front entrance, the backyard, natural features such as a path or pond, and any community features.The list should include the most visually appealing aspects of the property. Next, determine the path that a person walking through the house would naturally take, and try to recreate that path during the tour. Consider any details that people might want to look at more closely, and incorporate them as appropriate.
- Set the scene: Prepare for your shoot as you would for an actual viewing. Make sure you have already completed any work such as cleaning, repairs, landscaping, and painting prior to the viewing. Complete the staging with new decor and furniture to make the space feel homey and inviting, so buyers can easily picture it.
- Take photos: Stick to the plan you set out earlier, keeping a certain distance from all objects and staying in the center of the room. Move the camera slowly and smoothly and tilt the camera as little as possible, as this can distort certain images, such as vertical lines. Watch out for and avoid reflections, mirrors, shadows on the floor, and silhouettes on windows or reflective surfaces, as they detract from the professionalism of the final product. Re-shoot any areas where the camera is not steady or transitions between rooms appear choppy.
- Create and share your virtual tour: No matter how careful you are, you’ll probably need to touch up your photos. Use photo editing software to tone down areas that are too bright, even out colors, and crop out mistakes. Then upload the photos to your chosen software to create the virtual tour. Depending on the software you use, you may have the option to add clickable areas, music, or text.
Final Words
We hope like our article on how to Create Real Estate Virtual Tour. Note that virtual tours should never replace professional photos – photos are still an important part of any online listing. Rather, 3D tours are used as a complement to your home’s other marketing efforts to generate more interest and make your home stand out from the other listings.