Table of Contents
Today, in this article, we show how to dual boot Linux and Windows. Gone are the days when Linux and Windows were like two competing forces. Due to Microsoft’s recent warm embrace of the open source community, our Windows installations now include features like Windows Subsystem for Linux.
While Windows is occasionally necessary, Linux is a wonderful operating system with extensive hardware and software support. This is probably because certain important applications don’t work on Linux. Fortunately, set up a dual boot system with Windows and Linux is quite simple. In this article, I will demonstrate how to do this using Windows 10 and Ubuntu.
Make sure your computer has been copied up before you start. Accidents can still occur even though the dual boot configuration method is not very complicated. So spend the time supporting up your vital files in case chaos theory is applied. While it is not necessary and may be a more complicated operation, consider taking a drive image backup in addition to backing up up your files. Below are the steps to dual boot Linux and Windows.
How to Linux/Windows dual boot
Installing Linux
Step 1: Download the latest version of Ubuntu and store it somewhere you can easily access it. Take your second blank pen drive and insert this in your computer.
Step 2: download balenaEtcher and open it up. Select your blank USB drive and your Ubuntu image and run the software to create your bootable linux media.
Step 3: keeping your Linux USB drive connected, restart your computer and quickly press F12 key to enter the boot menu. Select your Linux USB drive to boot to the installation screen.
Step 4: Will you be able to try or install Ubuntuso if you’re not sure about Linux, try the OS first. It may come out of your USB drive, albeit with reduced performance. When resolved, select Install Ubuntu Continue.
Step 5: Ubuntu will automatically detect if you have Windows installed. Select Install Ubuntu next to Windows 10 on this screen. The other option, erase disk and install Ubuntu will remove Windows from your PC.
Step 6: If you started with an empty hard drive, you are done. Finish the installation and use the boot menu referenced above to choose which operating system to boot into.
Installing Windows
Step 1: With your spare PC, download windows media authoring tool and follow the steps to create the installation media on one of your blank USB drives. Note: You may be prompted to format the drive, which to remove all data.
Step 2: Exiting the installation USB drive plugged in on, turn off your PC. Turn it on again and select the F12 on the keyboard quickly while the computer boots. This will take you to a boot menu. Select your Windows USB drive and continue.
Step 3: Follow the Windows installer steps until you reach the What type of installation do you want page. Custom choice: Install Windows only.
Step 4: On your Hard drive, a partition needs to be created. Unless you’re using a new hard drive, you’ll likely notice multiple partitions here. If you want to start over, delete the partitions.
Step 5: To make a new partition, choose New after selecting your hard drive. Decide the partition size and confirm it. You will need additional space for install linux because this is the total amount of space that Windows will be able to use. We advise you to divide the available space in half and allocate half to Linux and half for windows.
Final Words
We hope you like our article about how to dual boot Linux and Windows. On the same computer, different operating systems can be kept in boot order using the dual-boot technique. At the time of system boot or initial boot sequence, it allows the user to choose from a variety of operating systems. Dual booting is usually performed using a specially designed boot loader program that generates multiple instances of boot sequences.