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Deliverance is a game in Kingdom Come. It was dirty. This huge RPG from independent developer Warhorse Studios avoids clichés in favor of a brutal depiction of the Middle Ages that doesn’t waste any time showing how hard life was in the early 1500s. Every romantic idea about the time is put to rest by stories and a setting that show how unfair it was to live when the average life expectancy was 30 years, if you were lucky. Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a rewarding, one-of-a-kind game, but some parts of it are a little too harsh, even for this cruel time, because the mechanics are too strict and there are a lot of mistakes, like a painful save system.
It does look at a part of history that you probably don’t know much about, if anything. You play as Henry, the naive son of a blacksmith who lives in Skalitz, Bohemia, in 1403. At that time, the rightful King Wenceslaus IV was locked up by his power-hungry brother Sigismund, causing violence all over the country. After a peaceful day in the Middle Ages of flirting with the local barmaid, pulling pranks, and helping your dad finish a sword for the local lord, an army suddenly attacks your village. Henry can only watch in fear as marauders attack him before he runs for his life.
All of this makes for a scary opening that is both a great source of frustration (you’ll probably die a lot before you can escape Skalitz) and a warning that Kingdom Come: Deliverance video game is not your typical fantasy RPG. There are no brave swordfights, wizards who throw fireballs, clerics who bring the dead back to life, orcs, or dragons. This is the story of a real civil war in Bohemia that happened in the first ten years of the 15th century. Your part is that of a nobody trying to get by in a land full of noblemen who don’t care if you live or die and peasants who would stab you in the back for a piece of bread. We have mentioned steps below to Fix ‘Kingdom Come Deliverance Stuttering’ issue.
Ways to Fix ‘Kingdom Come Deliverance Stuttering’ issue
Update Graphics Drive’
If you’re having Kingdom Come: Deliverance FPS problems, the first thing you should do is update your graphics driver. Sometimes you forget to manually update your drivers, which makes your PC old. Well, it makes sense that you’re having FPS issues in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. According to the official driver release notes from AMD and Nvidia, both of these well-known graphics card makers give Kingdom Come: Deliverance the best support possible. If you’re not sure if you have the latest driver, you can manually download it or use Driver Booster to automatically download and install the right GPU driver for your PC.
- Get Driver Booster and install it.
- Run Driver Booster and click “Scan” to check your drivers. The Driver Booster will then do a scan to find any problems with drivers.
- Click “Update Now” to have the right drivers for your computer automatically downloaded and installed.
- To make the changes from the update work, you need to restart your PC.
- Start Kingdom Come: Deliverance and see if these problems with the game crashing have been fixed.
Disable Steam Overlay
If you have Steam overlay enabled and are playing at frame rate while playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance, you can try disabling Steam overlay for Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Here’s how you can disable the Steam overlay:
- Open Steam and go to the library
- Right–click on Kingdom Come: Deliverance and click on properties
- Uncheck the Enable Steam overlay in game box on the GENERAL tab.
Set Kingdom Come: Deliverance to high priority
This method allows your system to prioritize and allocate more resources to Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Using this method usually increases the performance of Kingdom Come: Deliverance, resulting in a better frame rate. To set Kingdom Come: Deliverance to high priority:
- Open Kingdom Come: Deliverance.
- In the game, open the Task Manager by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys simultaneously.
- Go to the Details tab and locate the main Kingdom Come: Deliverance process.
- Right–click Kingdom Come: Deliverance and go to Set Priority with the mouse and select High.
Nvidia PhysX Settings
- Go to the Nvidia Control Panel.
- Select SLI and PhysX Configurations (or PhysX Settings).
- Select GPU under the PhysX settings.
Limit the Processor Cores
- Download the BES tool and save it somewhere on your hard disk.
- Load the game and then open the program.
- You will see the Kingdomcome.exe process. Press the Target button.
- Now select Limit This and then the percentage -2%. This means that your game can use a maximum of 98% of the computer process.
- Minimize the tool and enjoy your game.
System Requirements
Final Word
Under all the dirt and grime in Kingdom Come: Deliverance, there is a shiny suit of mail. Strong characters and stories, one of my favorite first-person melee combat systems ever, and special attention to building moment-to-moment immersion make this game one of the most unique and memorable RPGs I’ve played in years. We hope our article on “How to Fix ‘Kingdom Come Deliverance Stuttering’ issue” will surely help you to do so. If the problem persists and you are unable to resolve it by following the steps outlined above, the new can visit their official website and request additional information.