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This tip is about the how to Secure Snapchat Account. So read this free guide, How to Secure Snapchat Account step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Secure Snapchat Account – Guide
Snapchat is one of the top social platforms with 265 million active users daily. As a result, Snapchat’s user base is an attractive target for hackers. In 2014, 4.6 million accounts were hacked and their contact information posted online. The platform works hard to keep user accounts safe. That said, you have a role to play in protecting your account. Cybercriminals are constantly inventing new ways to compromise accounts.
In December 2020, the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Office alerted users to the possible hacking of Snapchat accounts. Hackers tried to persuade victims to provide personal information or access accounts remotely via hackers. An article from final 2020 Business Insider said hackers were breaking into Snapchat accounts and holding nude photos as ransom.
Recent statistics from Statista show that there were 6.65 million Snapchat users in Nigeria as of February 2021. Nigeria’s Snapchat user base is a big target. It goes without saying that you are a potential target regardless of your country of residence. You are responsible for protecting your account from intruders.
Just friends
Snapchat is permanent
login verification
Unauthorized access to the account is painful. It doesn’t have to be. Snapchat offers two-factor verification across all your devices. Call! It’s a very simple security step and can be the difference between losing your account and images and having time to change your password and regain control.
Enable Snapchat Login Verification (2FA)
Hide from “Quick Add”
Snapchat introduced a “Quick Add” section. This allows friends of friends or people on your phone contact list to easily add you to friends list. Basically, it works the same as Facebook “Suggestions” feature. However, it can open you up for random individuals, you have nothing to do with trying to add it. To turn it off, go to the Settings menu. Scroll down and select See Me in Quick Add, then uncheck the box.
Ignore random requests
From time to time, you will receive requests from random users, even if you activate the “Quick Add” feature outside. Random requests present a privacy issue. If you accept a request, they will be able to see your existing Snapchat stories and see what you have submitted. Delete the prompt to add it by tapping Ignore when it appears.
If an individual user insists on adding it (such as repeatedly adding it after ignoring the prompt), you can block it on Snapchat. Tap the Ghost icon to open your profile tab. Below you will see Added Me. Select this. Select the roving user from the list and then the Cog icon. Finally, select Block. You should know how to let me know if someone has blocked you on Snapchat too.
Many Snapchat users post their username to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or one of the numerous social media networks. It’s an easy way to share your Snapchat contact information with friends. Unfortunately, if your social media privacy settings aren’t tight, you’ll be sharing your Snapchat contact information with many more people than you expect. In addition to sharing usernames, people often post their Snapcode. A Snapcode is a QR code that other Snapchat users can scan to automatically add them as friends.
educate your teenager
Security and privacy are not just about you. The teenager who owns a smartphone has probably sent thousands more Snaps than you. Even if they are experienced Snapchatters, it’s never too late to talk to your teenager and explain the inherent dangers of supposedly destructible messages. I think the message is clear: in the digital age, nothing is really private, especially when they click send button.
Strong and unique password
There is a single piece of advice that all security researchers promote: use a strong, one-time password. This advice applies to every web service or app that you subscribe to. up per. We have tips about how to create a strong but easy to remember password as well as how to make use of password managers.
Final note
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