Table of Contents
This tip is about the how to Uninstall Avast Antivirus. So read this free guide, How to Uninstall Avast Antivirus step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Uninstall Avast Antivirus – Guide
Dedicated uninstall tools are basically obsolete in the new age of Windows. Therefore, on Windows 10 or Windows 11, you will normally need to use the Add/Remove Programs interface to remove Avast Free Antivirus or Avast Premium Security. However, Avast, like other real-time antivirus software, will rescan to ensure that the uninstall command was actually provided by you. This is because some malware tries to disable or delete any antivirus software they find to establish itself on your computer.
Avast also has a passive mode that can be enabled through its settings if you are migrating to a different antivirus package. This returns real-time, system-wide malware protection to Microsoft Defender, but preserves Avast as a unique on-demand malware scanner, providing another detection mechanism to inspect suspicious files. Should something go wrong, Avast offers Avast clear, an emergency utility that can completely eliminate the remnants of failed or unresponsive Avast uninstalls.
How to Disable Avast’s self-defense mode
To disable self-defense mode in Avast, you will need to enter a ‘hidden’ area of Settings.
Complete the Avast uninstall
Final note
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