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This tip is about the how to Use Music Bot of Apple on Facebook Messenger. So read this free guide, How to Use Music Bot of Apple on Facebook Messenger step by step. If you have query related to same article you may contact us.
How to Use Music Bot of Apple on Facebook Messenger – Guide
With Apple Music Chatbot, you can now stream music on Facebook Messenger. If a person is an Apple Music subscriber, that person can stream full songs. Non-subscribers can stream the media for 30 seconds and share it with all contacts on your list. Here it is how to use Apple Music chatbot on Facebook Messenger. Since the launch of this bot, music lovers have found a good platform to interact and share this media with many others like them. This feature it is built into the messenger itself and is easy to use. Listen to your favorite track or search for the album or artist you want here.
Using Apple Music Chatbot is great because it makes it feel like you’re communicating with someone. And the person you are communicating with will instantly send you the songs or albums you want to hear. If you are an Apple Music subscriber, you can stream your favorite songs directly from the app. If you’re not a subscriber, you can only send and share 30-second snippets. The Apple Music bot responds to artist, album and song names as expected, as well as responding to specific emojis with a straightforward playlist. The last feature doesn’t work very well as the Messenger bot interprets emojis as search text.
How to Use Apple Music Bot in Facebook Messenger on iPhone
Make sure your Facebook Messenger is updated to the latest version. Even if you haven’t subscribed to Apple Music, try it out and see how the new bot enhances your chatting and sharing experience.
How to Use Apple Music Chat Bot on Computer
Final note
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